Henry, I have been using this exploration
CLOSE>FmlVar("AMT: Major Trend Line","UP") AND CLOSE<FmlVar("AMT: Major Trend Line","UP") +ATR(14)
and Then Rescanning the results by using the compressing formula below. Oh I also attached the Major trend line formula.
The compressing formula is run on a five min chart and you need a value of 5 or greater. I picked off var and Nyx in the last week JCI, wso, tgi and ZNT came up off this scan for tomorrow. For a trigger I am using a five min pivot take out ..... Almost all of them have asc trg intra day
Anyway it rocks thanks for the Major trend line up scan
Compressing support
hp:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-1 ,0 , 1);
hp1:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-1 ,1 , 1);
hp2:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-1 ,2 , 1);
1hp:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-2 ,0 , 1);
1hp1:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-2 , 1, 1);
1hp2:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-2 ,2 , 1);
2hp:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-3 ,0 , 1);
2hp1:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-3 , 1, 1);
3hp2:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-4 ,2 , 1);
3hp:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-4 ,0 , 1);
3hp1:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-4 , 1, 1);
2hp2:= ExtFml( "PowerPivots.NthPivotPrice",-4 ,2 , 1);
x:=If(hp<hp1 AND hp1<hp2 AND (hp1-hp)<hp2-hp1,1,0);
x2:=If(1hp<1hp1 AND 1hp1<1hp2 AND (1hp1-1hp)<1hp2-1hp1,2,0);
x3:=If(2hp<2hp1 AND 2hp1<2hp2 AND (2hp1-2hp)<2hp2-2hp1,3,0);
x4:=If(3hp<3hp1 AND 3hp1<3hp2 AND (3hp1-3hp)<3hp2-3hp1,4,0);
Major trend line Formula
FTrough := LastValue( ExtFml("Powerpivots.NthPivotPrice",Tpivot,0,1));
STrough := LastValue( ExtFml("Powerpivots.NthPivotPrice",Tpivot,1,1));
DeltaVerticalU := FTrough - STrough;
DeltaHorizontalU :=
LastValue(ExtFml("Powerpivots.BarsSinceNthPivot",Tpivot,1)) -
DeltaPerBarU := DeltaVerticalU / DeltaHorizontalU;
BarNoSecondTrough := LastValue(
Cum(1) - ExtFml("Powerpivots.BarsSinceNthPivot",Tpivot,1));
TrendD := If(Cum(1) < BarNoSecondTrough,
BarsSince(Cum(1) >= BarNoSecondTrough),
STrough +
(DeltaPerBarU * (Cum(1) - BarNoSecondTrough)));
Up:=If(FTrough >= STrough,
BarsSince(FTrough >= STrough));
FPeak := LastValue( ExtFml("Powerpivots.NthPivotPrice",Ppivot,0,1));
SPeak := LastValue( ExtFml("Powerpivots.NthPivotPrice",Ppivot,1,1));
DeltaVerticalD := FPeak - SPeak;
DeltaHorizontalD :=
LastValue(ExtFml("Powerpivots.BarsSinceNthPivot",Ppivot,1)) -
DeltaPerBarD := DeltaVerticalD / DeltaHorizontalD;
BarNoSecondPeak := LastValue(
Cum(1) - ExtFml("Powerpivots.BarsSinceNthPivot",Ppivot,1));
TrendU := If(Cum(1) < BarNoSecondPeak,
BarsSince(Cum(1) >= BarNoSecondPeak),
SPeak +
(DeltaPerBarD * (Cum(1) - BarNoSecondPeak)));
Dn:=If(FPeak <= SPeak,
BarsSince(FPeak <= SPeak));