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Here is the code ...
[code:1:3c0a328cb5]BOOL __stdcall CustomIndex (const MSXDataRec *a_psDataRec,
const MSXDataInfoRecArgsArray *a_psDataInfoArgs,
const MSXNumericArgsArray *a_psNumericArgs,
const MSXStringArgsArray *a_psStringArgs,
const MSXCustomArgsArray *a_psCustomArgs,
MSXResultRec *a_psResultRec)
//Standard Declarations
int iErr = 0;
int MsflStatus = 0; // 300 was Already Started, 900 was not Started and we initialized it.
int MaxRecords = a_psDataRec->sClose.iLastValid;
int LastSec = 0;
int SecCount = 0;
int PickedArray = a_psCustomArgs->iCustomIDs[0];
int PickedMethod = a_psCustomArgs->iCustomIDs[1];
//Let's check the status of the MSFL.
//This will become handy when quickly testing the dll in MetaStcok and MSXTest.
//There is no more need to adjust the code.
iErr = MSFL1_GetMSFLState();
if (iErr == MSFL_STATE_INITIALIZED){MsflStatus = 300;}
else if (iErr == MSFL_STATE_UNINITIALIZED){MsflStatus = 900; iErr = MSFL1_Initialize( "ForumDll", "Patrick Nouvion", MSFL_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION );}
//Declare MSFL related crap after the initialisation or checking that the MSFL library was running
HSECURITY hSecurity = 0;
char cDirNumber = 0;
WORD wRecNum = 0;
WORD wRecCount = 0;
MSFLSecurityInfo_struct SecInfo;
SecInfo.dwTotalSize = sizeof (MSFLSecurityInfo_struct);
MSFLPriceRecord_struct PriceRec;
memset(&PriceRec, 0, sizeof(MSFLPriceRecord_struct) );
DateTime_struct psRecordDate;
psRecordDate.lDate = a_psDataRec->psDate[1].lDate;
//Lets set the data array
iErr = MSFL1_OpenDirectory(a_psStringArgs->pszStrings[0], &cDirNumber, MSFL_DIR_NO_FLAGS);
iErr = MSFL1_GetFirstSecurityInfo(cDirNumber, &SecInfo);
if(iErr == MSFL_MSG_LAST_SECURITY_IN_DIR){ int i = 1;
iErr = MSFL1_LockSecurity(SecInfo.hSecurity ,MSFL_LOCK_PREV_WRITE_LOCK);
iErr = MSFL1_FindDataDate(SecInfo.hSecurity,&psRecordDate,&wRecNum,MSFL_FIND_CLOSEST_PREV);
for(i = 1; i <= MaxRecords; i++)
iErr = MSFL1_ReadDataRec(SecInfo.hSecurity, &PriceRec);
float IndexArray = 0;
if(PickedArray == 0){IndexArray = PriceRec.fOpen;}
else if(PickedArray == 1){IndexArray = PriceRec.fHigh;}
else if(PickedArray == 2){IndexArray = PriceRec.fLow;}
else if(PickedArray == 3){IndexArray = PriceRec.fClose;}
else if(PickedArray == 4){IndexArray = PriceRec.fVolume;}
a_psResultRec->psResultArray->pfValue[i] = IndexArray;
iErr = MSFL1_UnlockSecurity(SecInfo.hSecurity);
else if(iErr == MSFL_NO_ERR){
int i = 1;
iErr = MSFL1_LockSecurity(SecInfo.hSecurity ,MSFL_LOCK_PREV_WRITE_LOCK);
iErr = MSFL1_FindDataDate(SecInfo.hSecurity,&psRecordDate,&wRecNum,MSFL_FIND_CLOSEST_PREV);
for(i = 1; i <= MaxRecords; i++)
iErr = MSFL1_ReadDataRec(SecInfo.hSecurity, &PriceRec);
float IndexArray = 0;
if(PickedArray == 0){IndexArray = PriceRec.fOpen;}
else if(PickedArray == 1){IndexArray = PriceRec.fHigh;}
else if(PickedArray == 2){IndexArray = PriceRec.fLow;}
else if(PickedArray == 3){IndexArray = PriceRec.fClose;}
else if(PickedArray == 4){IndexArray = PriceRec.fVolume;}
a_psResultRec->psResultArray->pfValue[i] = IndexArray;
iErr = MSFL1_UnlockSecurity(SecInfo.hSecurity);
SecCount = 1;
//Let's Start the WHILE loop
while(LastSec == 0)
iErr = MSFL1_GetNextSecurityInfo(SecInfo.hSecurity , &SecInfo);
if(iErr == MSFL_MSG_LAST_SECURITY_IN_DIR){LastSec = 1;}
SecCount += 1;
iErr = MSFL1_LockSecurity(SecInfo.hSecurity ,MSFL_LOCK_PREV_WRITE_LOCK);
iErr = MSFL1_FindDataDate(SecInfo.hSecurity,&psRecordDate,&wRecNum,MSFL_FIND_CLOSEST_PREV);
//Let's Start the FOR Loop :D
int i = 1;
for(i = 1; i <= MaxRecords; i++)
iErr = MSFL1_ReadDataRec(SecInfo.hSecurity, &PriceRec);
float IndexArray = 0;
if(PickedArray == 0){IndexArray = PriceRec.fOpen;}
else if(PickedArray == 1){IndexArray = PriceRec.fHigh;}
else if(PickedArray == 2){IndexArray = PriceRec.fLow;}
else if(PickedArray == 3){IndexArray = PriceRec.fClose;}
else if(PickedArray == 4){IndexArray = PriceRec.fVolume;}
if(LastSec == 0){a_psResultRec->psResultArray->pfValue[i] += IndexArray;}
else if(LastSec == 1){
if(PickedMethod == 0){a_psResultRec->psResultArray->pfValue[i] += IndexArray;}
else if(PickedMethod == 1){a_psResultRec->psResultArray->pfValue[i] += IndexArray; a_psResultRec->psResultArray->pfValue[i] = (a_psResultRec->psResultArray->pfValue[i]/SecCount);}
iErr = MSFL1_UnlockSecurity(SecInfo.hSecurity);
iErr = MSFL1_CloseDirectory(cDirNumber);
//Let's finish our MSFL status check here
if(MsflStatus == 900){iErr = MSFL1_Shutdown();}
return l_bRtrn;
Patrick :mrgreen: