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How many people actually stick with a system?
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I have previously been a user of Tradestation and I've also done a lot of study in quantitative mechanical investing. My problem has been in the past the I get so deep into the study analysis of these fields that I often become paralyzed with information overload. This is what has brought me to MS. I am really impressed with the practicality of it and I am hoping it will help me focus.
Without a doubt this board, like many of the others, is filled with highly intelligent, resourceful people thinking up new explorers and systems all the time. My question is, how many people are actually sticking with a system they've purchased or designed and are actually making money. I mean REAL money, not paper trading. After all, that's what we are all here to do.
I am often disturbed by the so called experts seeming to put more effort into selling their groud breaking systems rather than their own trading. Sort of makes you wonder what kind of returns they are really racking up in their own accounts.
I would love to hear from you, and would love to hear if your trading results are close to the theorized results.
Thanks, and I look forward to learning a lot from this board.
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Welcome ck ;)
Well I don't have an answer for you but I like your question. I do agree that "gurus" spend way too much time selling their system to be actually using it ...
Let see what answers you get :D
Patrick :mrgreen:
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ckstarrrr wrote:I have previously been a user of Tradestation and I've also done a lot of study in quantitative mechanical investing. My problem has been in the past the I get so deep into the study analysis of these fields that I often become paralyzed with information overload. This is what has brought me to MS. I am really impressed with the practicality of it and I am hoping it will help me focus.
Excellent start. :)
It's so easy to be lured by, and get trapped into the microscopic world of Technical Analysis nuts and bolts, and neglect the big picture... Not seeing the forest for the trees sort of thing.
This is one reason why I'm still sticking to ancient MetaStock, and only use more complex software (such as AmiBroker) sparingly.
I've traded my stock system Pegasus "live" on the Net for 4 years.
jose '-)
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You have the same question that is in my mind for years.
I mean if their system is so good, and produces all these fabulous results why are not they trading it instead of wasting their time to gain a few100 Bucks or so.
As for my own trading:
I do not do back testing, do not like it, instead all my trading systems are in the format of Expert Advisor with symbols highlight to see where the signals went before.
I prefer to do a forward testing with real Market data at the heat of the battle), back testing removes a very important element from the fight, EMOTIONS.
The system could be very good on paper or even the best, BUT would I dare to take the signals in REAL LIFE when real money is at stake?!
And yes I stick to my trading systems after forward testing with real money (of course with proper money management)
One of my best systems that give very good results (unfortunately is not totally automated yet, I am a trader but not that good of a programmer) is:
* Breakout of a down trend line (LTB)
* Draw Fib as shown
* Buy at the double bottom (Very close stop in place usually 1%)
First yellow bottom
* Add more at the second yellow bottom
* Sell everything near the top of the first Top (to lock profit) red line
* If the stock goes above (there would be a start buy little above the first top, to make sure I am in the game again if continues to go up (Pivot High Confirmed), and if it does not I am already out with profit)
* If the buy order is filled, I sell only in two occasions, loss of up trend line (LTA) or the target reached depending on the stock expectation.
Works like a charm!
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Hi CK,
Nice to know you. I think most people have the wrong idea that a technical signal can 'tell' the future. To me I don't think any technical system in the world can predict the future direction of the market. To make money you just follow the trend and to do so you need a very good money management plan. I trade the Malaysian market but I learn most of my trading skill from American's guru by reading their book and article. If you want I can post here my Complete Trading System for free. You will be surprised that my trend following system is so easy to use. I simply use the MACD crossover or Trendline Breakout or X-Day Breakout to enter my position. Actually I don't believe there is any trading system in this world that can predict the future direction of the market. That is the problem with some guru selling their trading system. They make you to believe that their system can 'tell' the future direction of the market.
What I must add here is that you need trend in the market to trade for profit. If the market is not trending, no trading system in this world can generate you any profit as a trader.
Actually most trading system in the market is only a price following system that to me has not much of value. Looking at the price you already can tell which way the market is trending.
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Hi turtle,
Could you post your traading system here? I would apprecaite that you can share your experience on the average return on the capital, say by month, that you use based on the system (I suppose it is a system with money management as you said)....
I like what Bulli said, back testing only says the system theoretically works. We must do some kine of forward testing to test whether your emotional reaction is right per the system / strategy planned.
Bulli, how long do you do for the forward testing before you really put the money on the table to trade?
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Spaceant wrote:Hi turtle,
Could you post your traading system here? I would apprecaite that you can share your experience on the average return on the capital, say by month, that you use based on the system (I suppose it is a system with money management as you said)....
The trading system is based on the price performance itself. I know I may sound funny. If I believe no one in this world can predict the direction of the market then how as a trader can trade the market for profit? I think most of the time market price is in random form and once it formed a pattern you must follow the direction of the trend. I simply use naked eye to see trend (you can tell by looking at the price chart that is doing higher low and higher high) and maybe I use trendline breakout to identify the trend. I slowly add to my winning position and set my Exit (for profit) Stop (for cut loss) carefully. I know there is no rule in this world saying on trendline breakout and the trend must continue. So on my first entry if the price continue to go up by 5% or maybe 10% I add my second position and so on. But if the price trend failed to continue then I will stop there. Simple but very easy to follow. Easy to make money too using this simple trend following system.
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Thanks for sharing with us. However, can you show it in a picture to visualize the picture which is very helpful to us to learn?
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Can see clearly now?
Say on US11 this stock made a trendline breakout
1st position: US11
2nd position : US11 * 1.05 = 11.55 (here you have 5% profit buffer)
3rd position: US11.55 * 1.05 = 12.12 (here you have more profit buffer)
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Spaceant wrote:Hi turtle,
Bulli, how long do you do for the forward testing before you really put the money on the table to trade?
This is what I do:
* First I take a look at the signals for the past two years of the chart.
* Then if I like the way the signals look, I put money right away BUT small number os stocks, (something like 500 to 2000 stocks).
* I never enter a trade if the win/risk ratio is less than 2:1
* The stocks I use for test are only Blue Chips or 1st Line stocks, nothing 2nd line or penny stocks.
Finally money management is always in PLACE.
If things goes wrong, I am out and restudy why it went wrong.
Was the signal wrong, I freaked out, or market news, etc.
Once in the game, the exit is clear and no place for hesitation.
Hope this answers your question.
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What I do on backtesting is very different from you all. I test my trading system using control data (which mean some very systematic data) and from there I can tell how the trading system behave. If you use actual data, too many random factor so you cannot 'tell' the behaviour of the system.
I believe a lot of trader is using the right tool for wrong reason. I understand that no trading signal can be used for all market. Some signal good for sideway market (such as RSI) some only good for strongly trend market such as Moving Average crossover.
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Thanks everyone for your informative responses. Jose, looks like you have done very well to say the least. What about anyone else? Can anyone say they are consistently beating say, the S&P, using a tech system with the same risk or less?,
Would love to hear from you. I guess I am trying to prove the guys who say they've never met a rich technical analyst ;)
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Hi CK,
Trading is more than simply doing something on TA. To make money from the stock markets - like any other business - you need a very good money management tool. If you want to become a savvy trader I strongly urge you to read the following articles:
1) The original turtle trading rule
(2) Learning to trade: The psychology of Expertise by Dr. Brett N. Steenbarger
(3) Expose Yourself: A Powerful Technique for Breaking Emotional Patterns in Trading by Dr. Brett N. Steenbarger
(4) Fine-Tuning Your Money Management System by Bennett A. McDowell
(5) Simulating Trading Portfolios by Ajay Jani
Your tech signal can give you wrong direction. I have no problem in living with it. But your money management tool cannot go wrong under any condition. This is very important fact to remember. No one can tell the future. There is no rule in this world saying that you see P1 and P2 must follow. All the price you see in the tick is indepedent variable.
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Thanks Turtle, I agree with everything you've said. I am not a novice and am aware of the importance of MM and would never expect "P1 to tell me P2". Trust me when I say there is not a lot about MM or trading systems I haven't read. I am a Chartered Financial Analyst charterholder so fundamentals are familiar to me too and I have seen many fundamentalists make a lot of money from their particular style.
The purpose of me starting this thread is simply to ask if anyone is making money using the systems they have have developed or purchased. My fear is that people (myself included) spend countless hours on tools like metastock etc backtesting, optimizing and experimenting with countless combinations of indicators without ever really sticking to one and making money in the market.
From experience I have seen more TA or mechanical traders forget that success is making REAL money in your trading account and not just to find a system that just backtests well. After all, the recommended way to scan for stocks in the Metastock manual is by all accounts the definition of data mining. That is, it finds the best sectors, then best performers in those sectores and then finds the factory installed system that provides the best optimized backtested results. That is data mining and curve fitting at it's best.
Don't get me wrong I am not knocking anything about MS or TA or system trading. I would be very surprised if there wasn't many people making great money off it. I guess I am doing a little experiment to see in a forum like this where everyone is basically doing the same thing, if anyone is making real money.
So I ask again, can anyone say they are trading real money with a trading system and beating the S&P with the same or less volatilty in their trading system? If so, for how long? Also would love to know your returns with associated volatility.
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Hi CK,
I have been trading the market for 15 years. I worked for a bank based broking house as stockbroker trading equity and deverative products. From my own experience, the opposite of what you tell me is true. Those invest in stock market using fundemental analysis loss all thier capital eventually. The technical traders seem to play the market better. Maybe in US market the problem is not the same. In our local market, the company CEO lie, the annual report lie ... but stock prices don't lie. I used to have a internet friend working for Enron and she told me this is one of the best company in the world. I think her life time saving is gone now.
My comment is that technical analysis is better than value investing. So it is my personal opinion if you want to make real money from the stock market, better to have a proven system in place AND stick with it. You don't have to trust your TA signal but you must trust your trading system. Yes, the return based on technical system is higher than system using other analysis and I would say a good technical system can outperform the market index many time. Not many people can use the trick used by Warren Buffett. Don't forget he can pickup the phone and call directly the CEO and he can tell whether the CEO is telling him a lie or not. You see the Enron case, how many investors cheated by this forture 500 company?
It is very interesting to note that our in-house research analysts changed (fired) almost every year but the technical analysts can stay for more than 30 years long. Our big boss also seemed to trust more on the chartist than the fundementalist.
BTW, most of our top traders used automated system. Is not they stick with it or not. It is totally automated. And sometime the traders don't even need to be in the office in order to capitalize on a big move.
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hey ck.... the conditions in your question ruled me out.... my trading is in the diamonds, spyders and oex pit.... you are likely aware of the gains, losses and volatility ......
if ya have the time,
was wondering if there was a reason for the the same or less volatilty part of your question.....
and, How many people actually stick with a system? , is there a reason for the one system limitation.....
perhaps your familiar with Citizens 'handy chart', excellent for shorting in downtrends but tough in uptrends..... for me, volatilty is an asset and using only 1 system would be a liability..... h
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See the above chart for Oracle Corp. On the trendline breakout I am sure 10 out of 10 technical traders will jump into this stock. On the TL B/O it moved from $11 to almost $15 which is more than 30% return. Tell me for the same period of time, what is the return for DJ index?
If you ask most of the top traders what's their recipe for making money in the market, they will tell you KISS!
To me I think we must stick with one and only one Complete Trading System. You can have more than one technical analysis and more than one tech signals (TL, RSI, MACD, BBands, Fibo, STS123, EWave) but you can have only one Complete Trading System. Technical signal is not the same as complete trading system. A complete trading system is more on money management (position sizing, cut loss short and so on).
I myself not a top trader. But they are top traders sit next to me. I can see what these guys are doing. :roll:

This stock has made an interesting move recently.
Most people loss confidence on their 'trading system' because their so called system always give a wrong signal. In fact technical signal alone is not a system. It is just a tool. To make money in the market you need a Complete Trading System. And a Compate Trading System is not hard to stick with or follow. Personal, I don't trust any technical signal but I trust my trading system.
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Thanks for your commentary, very interesting. You make a very valid point about corporate corruption and shenanigans. Too bad to hear about your friend at Enron.
I like your Oracle example, I agree with you. If you want to see a similar current situation, (that being an upside breakout from a steady downtrend), check out Cintas (CTAS).
They reason I mentioned same or less volatility is because I beleive in comparing returns on an risk-adjusted basis. For example if system A returned 15% and systems B returned 15% but system A did it with less portfolio volatility, then system A's performace on a risk adjusted basis is better. You can use a Sharpe Ratio to calculate and compare risk adjusted returns. The formula is R(port) - R(risk free rate) divided by Std Deviation.
As for one system, I don't think one should stick necessarily to one system only. I know the title implies that, but the funny thing is I don't think that was the title I wrote when I first posted. Is it possible that it was edited? Because I thought I titled the thread something like "Who is beating the market with their systems". Strange.
No I have never heard of Citizen's handy chart. What is it?
Thanks guys for your informative replies. This seems like a great forum. I am plowing through the users manual and formula primer. I promise not to ask any stupid questions until I have done all my prep work and homework. Yes, I did read the rules of the forum :lol:
OK, back to the users manual I go!
All the best.
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Hi CK,
Have you jumped into the stock (Yahoo) I told you have a good movement. :lol:
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I only do my own research, but thanks.
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How many people actually stick with a system?
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