How do I create a new custom Local Data list in MetaStock?
In order to chart local data files in MetaStock, the instruments must be added to MetaStock as local data lists. The supported file formats for MetaStock v15 and later are MSLocal, MS Legacy and CSV.
Support file formats for MetaStock versions 14 and 13 are CSV.
MetaStock 14 - Current
To create a new custom list of Local Data files:
1. In the Power Console double click on Local Data Lists or right click on Local Data Lists and select New.
2. Enter a name for the list.
3. Click Browse.
4. Click Browse again if your files are located in a different folder than what is displayed.
5. Open the folder that contains your local data and click the Select Folder button.
6. Select the instrument(s) and click Add.
7. Click Save when completed.
MetaStock 13
To create a new custom list of Local Data files:
1. Go to Tools > Custom List Manager.
2. Click New > Local Instruments.
3. Enter a name for the list.
4. Click Browse.
5. Click Browse again if your files are located in a different folder than what is displayed.
6. Open the folder that contains your local data and click the Select Folder button.
7. Select the instrument(s) and click Add.
8. Click Save when completed.
Keywords: DC, RT, Pro, EOD, Professional
Edited by user Monday, October 28, 2019 6:14:29 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified