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#1 Posted : Tuesday, November 1, 2016 4:47:07 PM(UTC)
MS Support

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MetaStock RT for XENITH v. 15.00.3971 
Release Date Nov. 1st, 2016
This post contains information regarding fixes, new functionality, removed functionality, and/or functionality changes. 


Typing dates manually into the date-time picker messes up the entry.

Forecaster "Sorted by default" is not retained until a restart of Forecaster.

Changing the Forecast Length has no bearing on the Forecast chart.

Move forecast cloud display slightly right so it isn't cut off on the left side.

Forecast cloud on last marker causes scroll bar issues.

Forecaster auto zoom on a new cloud is slow.

Forecaster Past Performance chart has no vertical label at 180 bars.

Forecaster recognizer list scroll bar needs to be recalibrated after clicking "Show All Recognizer Details" radio button.

Forecaster - if viewed is "Show all Recognizer details" the list cuts off at "LCI" alphabetically.

Forecaster down arrow scroll button doesn't scroll when held down.

Results buttons are cut off when Forecaster is resized.

Invalid instrument in Forecaster causes MetaStock to terminate.

Doing a re-scan of the existing analyses can leaves the processed Recognizers blank.

Incorrect "state" status on the price tab and forecast cloud tab.

Recognizers with error conditions (red x) in the "Processed Recognizers" list do not sort to the bottom of the list.

Disabling all recognizers results in a red x in the tab control and no explanation

Spinner clocks are missing from "Price" and "Cloud" tabs of the Forecaster.

Processed recognizers list is empty after a re-forecasting.

Changing Forecast length on a user defined horizontal pattern hangs Forecaster.

Forecast Length selection does not refresh chart.

Minimizing Forecaster causes an exception.

Forecaster event market shows incorrect tool-tip text.

Using a description containing a character in draw new pattern causes "Pattern Quick Test" exception error.

MetaStock shuts down when opening a CSV file in Forecaster.

Explorations returning wrong date / time in exploration report, when not using the option "Use current exchange date / time".

Metastock crashes when running all explorations on a custom list of two using default records.

EcoStat - Australia Dashboard layouts reports - Invalid Price Data Request message.

EcoStat Layout and Help File Issues.

Duplicate intraday bar when restricting trade session times.

The Expert Advisor commentary window will not close .

Big Trends Toolkit and Dr. Elder's Trading Room video links updated.

System tester reports IBM as invalid instrument when select date ranges are selected.

Home > More Systems and Tools > Dr Elder's Trading Room > Templates missing hyperlink for Elder - MACD Histogram Xover.

Home > More Systems and Tools > Dr Elder's Trading Room > Explorations text indentation issue.

HSI future contracts are not showing all sessions data at select times.

Difficulty shutting down MetaStock from Eikon System Tray Icon

Expert Alerts can cause MetaStock to minimize.

Change the default Recalculate expert throttling setting to 60 minutes.

Some MetaStock RT layouts not opening.

Failed to Open Document error when attempting to re-open charts.

MetaStock RT crashes when running a MACD buy signal Exploration on a tick bar chart .

Crash on startup in MetaStock RT due to duplicate time zones.

Change Field unavailable / grayed out in MetaStock RT.

Rebuilding the EcoStat Business Cycle and EcoStat Leading Index Forecast Experts.

Several EcoStat layouts are calling bad instruments = aJPLEADINTR and JP2YT=RR.

EcoStat Australian Dashboard is calling a bad instrument = AU30YT=RR.

"Choose Instrument" options will not hold without changing instrument.

Running explorations with load minimum data on explorations that only require one data point results invalid report results.

Clicking 'New Expert' returns 'Unknown value' error.

Exploration will not run if you select multiple explorations and only one instrument.

Expert signal is stretched off the chart with Macd Expert Advisor and Clean template applied.

When running very high resolutions with 200% DPI "Save & Close" button in List Editor windows gets pushed off the Power Console.

Ctrl-Click Moving waypoints allows user to create illegal patterns in the Forecaster.

Help-->More Systems and Tools-->Logan Connor's Trading System missing book from right-hand side.

Trade Options > Reporting tab and Options button in upper right corner, of the system tester report needs to be wired separately.

As a Power Console user I want to quickly select multiple Explorations and System Tests.

Instrument search by name and selecting enter or ok opens a chart for each word in the typed name.

Add a way to MetaStock RT and DC to update the instrument list from the Help menu.

Return of Cntrl click to the Power Console.

Forecaster places "X" to close tab in wrong position for select instruments.

Forecaster - Undo and Restore Original buttons in Price Pattern Editor stretches the pattern to fill the entire window.

Help button missing link in "System" tab of the System Tester.

Changing Instrument from a Local Instrument to an Online Instrument blocks interval changing on the chart.

When selecting items in the Power Console, should not auto-scroll horizontally beyond the check-box.

How to... Quickly select topics displaying wrong icon.

If MS14EXPT.DTA is missing from User folder, Metastock puts a clean copy back in, which can cause issues.

Forecaster triggers error with select symbols / date ranges / recognizers.

Restarting Forecaster with "Show All Recognizer Details" enabled causes exception.

Increase scroll wheel speed for scrolling through recognizers.

SectorStat HealthCare Symbol ACT updated it to AGN.

Narrowing instrument search to one instrument, selecting the instrument, places it in the Instrument(s) field twice.

Forecaster exception when loading maximum records and clicking later event markers in chart.

Chart Title Bar not displaying "Instrument Name" in upper left of chart.

Standard and Window toolbar buttons disabled.

MetaStock tooltips (price bars on chart) not displaying.

Resizing Forecaster to minimum size then using scrollbar to scroll to the bottom limits scrolling.

Forecaster gives an "Overflow" error when selecting the last event marker.

Delete key not removing objects from chart.

Help about version is not matching the current builds.

Help > New Composite Dialog typo correction.

Toolbar buttons remain indented after plotting.

Add MetaStock 2016 Toolkit to MetaStock Help File.

Status bar, tooltips do not display as user hovers over toolbar items.

Ctrl-Tab & Ctrl-Shift-Tab are not functioning properly.

EQMSUI, EQCMUI, and EQFOUI resource DLLs have the incorrect version.

All Help|links to websites do not resolve to proper sites.

When attempting to drag multiple waypoints in the Forecaster, they become de-selected.

File > Open "Views" and right-click menu do not display properly on Windows 10 (And general DPI / scaling issues with high res monitors).

Finnish (Finland) Region Setting causes Power Console to crash on startup on Windows 10.

Selecting any layout in File > Open and receive the error - improper argument.

Indicator Builder Edit/Copy/Delete/Print buttons become unselectable when selecting an indicator.

Forecast Cloud tab does not display past 90 bars for instrument DDD on daily data.

Upgrading MetaStock causes old smart charts to fail to open.

MetaStock Power Console fails to load after Don Fishback add-on installation.

LCI 2.0 Template Colors are incorrect for the (LCI - Sr Main & LCI - Sr Zones).

Help update: LCI - New highlights.

Help update: LCI - disclaimer.

Help update: LCI records to load for explorations.

Saving list from an Exploration report doesn't respect the selected instruments, instead it saves the entire list of explored instruments.

Selecting multiple explorations with multiple securities produces and error after completing the first exploration.

Help > MetaStock Help > More Systems and Tools > Logan Connor's Trading System > Expert Adviser, contains incorrect spellings.

Help > More Systems and Tools > Logan Connor's Trading System > Indicators > Support and Resistance Indicators > LCI - Support Major and LCI - Resistance, contains typos.

Explorer "Open Chart" causing MetaStock to crash.

SectorStat (Technology) RIC Delisting - ALTR.O (Altera), replaced with NTAP.O.

MetaStock crashing when attempting to open Forecaster from an open chart.

Some LCI Expert Highlights do not display the formulas even after unlocking with password.

Next / Previous / Choose Instrument treats all instruments as online instruments.

LCI Bullish Breakout formula is inconsistent.

LCI Bearish Breakout formula is inconsistent.

RMO Buy / RMO Sell Forecaster Errors With AMZN.O On 1/19/2016

Choose Instrument Box Requires selecting an instrument (even after typing in a instrument) before the "Select Instrument" becomes selectable.

Incorrect instrument in SectorStat - NFTY indicators

Creating a New Expert causes Expert Advisor to not function properly until restart of MetaStock.

Insert Instrument has disabled instruments if Power Console instrument line has values.

Update copyright in help manual for 2016.

MetaStock formula organizer crashes.

SectorStat Financials Symbol PCL delisted, merged with Weyerhaeuser (WY).

LCI component fails to migrate when running MetaStock Migration Utility.

LCI Expert Highlight has the incorrect name.

editing highlight name of password protected formula damages expert

Experts Advisors not attaching via Power Console for select templates.

Increase the number of profitable results in System Tester.

Expert Advisors whose trend ribbon with vertical line ends before last bar crashes metastock.

No documentation for the Jim Berg formulas.

Tirone Levels cause MetaStock to crash when changing chart intervals.

LCI commentary has incorrect text for Sell side gaps.

When changing interval, Expert Advisor components, do not display properly.

Update Help - More System and Tools > Jim Berg Volatility Entry > JB Volatility Profit Taker.

Local CSV returns an Unknown DAL error when attempting to open a chart and run explorations.

Upgrading from MetaStock 14 to MetaStock 15 and running MetaStock Migration Utility, on first launch of MetaStock 15, a server busy error is reported.

Unhandled exception in Forecaster.

Add instructional text listed on the Instrument(s) field of the Power Console.

"Next/Previous Security" will only cycle through charts that share the interval of the chart first opened.

Full Desktop / Full Screen can cause MetaStock to crash.

Public List Header button does not respond upon selection.

Selecting an exchange of symbols and clicking Summary causes crash.

Error writing P variable data to report folder.

Add a license file to the build output that lists relevant open source licenses.

Unknown DAL error in Explorations.

Help button has no linked help topic for"Show incompatible interval message".

Help topic for System Tester Margin requirements - Short Initial refers to 101%.

"Save As" Dialogue Overwrites files without prompting.

Public List Locks up MetaStock when adding select exchanges to custom list view.

Possible memory leak in Metastock.

Select "Browse" dialogues cause MetaStock to shut down.

Apply Template from Power Console can cause Metastock to crash.

Rebuild the three "BM..." layouts removing the reference to local data.

Modify CSV parser to deal with embedded symbol & interval.

Exploration crashes if you select to run on local data type "CSV".

The number of Instruments to process in an Exploration is different from the number listed in the Power Console.

When typing into System Tester Exchange date/time field, the year field does not enter correctly.

Instrument search dialogs crashing if search string is empty and security is clicked.

Add documentation to MSWin help for tradetracker.dll

"Add from existing list" button non-functional when used from Select Instrument dialogue of Spread, Relative Strength Comparative, Relative Performance Indicators.

Power Console - If you modify the display periods and immediately press (Enter) to Open Chart, the display periods does not update (within the chart) and it will display the previous set value.

Power Console - focus should change back to the "Open Chart" after searching for and adding symbols instead of the "Instrument(s)" field.

Downloader v15
Local Data Support (MSFL and MSLocal File Format *new*) 
Local Data Compression
Teach-Talk-Trade Trading System
Haguro Method Trading System
PowerStrike Trading System
SectorStat Trading System
Exploration support for non-daily intervals
System Tester support for non-daily intervals
MetaStock Forecaster support for non-daily intervals
Offline mode support
New MetaStock Templates
Popularized MACD template
Percentage Price Oscillator (PPO) template
Bollinger Bands template
Oscillating Indicators template
MACD Histogram template
Pivots Weekly template
Pivots Daily template



MetaStock Management

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