Effective immediately the below exchanges prices will be updated to reflect the below.
MICEX Exchange Currencies (MICEX-RTS) - $10.70
MICEX Exchange Equities (MICEX-RTS) - $10.70
MICEX Exchange Futures and Options (MICEX-RTS) - $10.70
CME S&P Indices - $3.21
CME S&P Indices (delayed) - $2.14
JSE Equities - $8.77
FTSE - ST & STI Realtime Index Values - $1.07
Bursa Malaysia Realtime Equities Market - $4.28
London Metal Exchange (LME) - $84.03
London Metal Exchange (LME-Delayed) - $23.53
ICE Futures Europe (Renamed - ICE Futures Europe-Commodities) - $101.65
ICE Endex Futures - $101.65
ICE Futures U.S. (includes CSCE, NYCE, FINEX, NYFE) - $101.65
Deutsche Boerse - Indices - $1.32
Euronext All Indices - $1.32
Euronext Cash BBO10 - $1.32
FTSE Indices - $3.52
Johannesburg Stock Exchange Indices - $3.00
FTSE ST & STI Indices - $1.07
JSE Commoditites Derivatives - $4.92
JSE Equities Derivatives - $11.13
Johannesburg Stock Exchange Level 1 - $8.77
Minneapolis Grains Exchange - $37.45
STOXX Indices - $2.63
Warsaw Stock Exchange - $48.83
**Exchange pricing is mandated by exchanges, and is subject to change without prior notice**
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MetaStock Product Management