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#1 Posted : Sunday, July 29, 2012 2:38:55 PM(UTC)

Rank: Newbie

Groups: Registered, Registered Users, Subscribers
Joined: 7/26/2012(UTC)
Posts: 1


I ve amazing Divergence Expert based on MACD histogram Candelistick systems needs to be converted from VTtrader to Metastock formula , its a little bit similar to Metastock formula its working perfect with FX and Commodties and i need to use it with stocks .

the code is :

Barnum:= BarCount();

{Candle Patterns}

BullEngulf:= O < Ref(Open, -1) AND
O < Ref(Close, -1) AND
C > Ref(Close, -1) AND
C > Ref(Open, -1) AND
Abs(Ref((C+O)/2,-1)) < Ref(Mov(C,10,E),-1);

BearEngulf:= O > Ref(Open, -1) AND
O > Ref(Close, -1) AND
C < Ref(Close, -1) AND
C < Ref(Open, -1) AND
Abs(Ref((C+O)/2,-1)) > Ref(Mov(C,10,E),-1);


FL:= Mov(spr,Sh,smat) - Mov(lpr,Lg,lmat);
SL:= Mov(FL,sig,sigmat);

OsMAZeroLine:= 0;

{MACD Divergence}

{This will detect a trough of MACD Histogram, then detect a second
trough lower than the first trough}

DefineTrough:= if(OsMA<0 and ref(OsMA,-1)<0 and ref(OsMA,-2)<0 and OsMA>ref(OsMA,-1) and ref(OsMA,-1)<ref(OsMA,-2), 1, 0);

PrevTrough:= valuewhen(2,DefineTrough,ref(OsMA,-1));
ActualTrough:= if(DefineTrough and PrevTrough<ref(OsMA,-1) and (BarsSince(OsMA>0)>BarsSince(ref(DefineTrough,-1))),1,0);

PrevPrcTrough:= valuewhen(2,DefineTrough,ref(L,-1));
ActualPrcTrough:= if(DefineTrough and PrevPrcTrough>ref(L,-1),1,0);

BullishDivergence:= if(ActualTrough=1 and ActualPrcTrough=1,1,0);

{This will detect a peak of MACD Histogram, then detect a second
peak higher than the first peak}

DefinePeak:= if(OsMA>0 and ref(OsMA,-1)>0 and ref(OsMA,-2)>0 and OsMA<ref(OsMA,-1) and ref(OsMA,-1)>ref(OsMA,-2), 1, 0);

PrevPeak:= valuewhen(2,DefinePeak,ref(OsMA,-1));
ActualPeak:= if(DefinePeak and PrevPeak>ref(OsMA,-1) and (BarsSince(OsMA<0)>BarsSince(ref(DefinePeak,-1))),1,0);

PrevPrcPeak:= valuewhen(2,DefinePeak,ref(H,-1));
ActualPrcPeak:= if(DefinePeak and PrevPrcPeak<ref(H,-1),1,0);

BearishDivergence:= if(ActualPeak=1 and ActualPrcPeak=1,1,0);


_PipDistance:= PipDistance * SymbolPoint();
_Support:= Support;
_Resistance:= Resistance;

{Do NOT change the NAMES of the Variables below.
If you Changed The NAMES of Indicator1 or Indicator2,
you will have to change them below.}

{Define Final Trade Entry/Exit Criteria}

LongEntryCond1:= BullEngulf;
LongEntryCond2:= BullishDivergence;
LongEntryCond3:= min(O,C) > _Support;
LongEntryCond4:= (min(O,C) - _Support) <= _PipDistance;

ShortEntryCond1:= BearEngulf;
ShortEntryCond2:= BearishDivergence;
ShortEntryCond3:= max(O,C) < _Resistance;
ShortEntryCond4:= (_Resistance - max(O,C)) <= _PipDistance;

LongEntrySetup:= LongEntryCond1 AND LongEntryCond2 AND LongEntryCond3 AND LongEntryCond4;
LongExitSetup:= ShortEntryCond1 AND ShortEntryCond2 AND ShortEntryCond3 AND ShortEntryCond4;

ShortEntrySetup:= ShortEntryCond1 AND ShortEntryCond2 AND ShortEntryCond3 AND ShortEntryCond4;
ShortExitSetup:= LongEntryCond1 AND LongEntryCond2 AND LongEntryCond3 AND LongEntryCond4;


{That's it! You're done! There is no need to
edit below this point.}


{Determine the Pip Value for the currency chart being used}

_SymbolPoint:= SymbolPoint();

_InitialStoploss:= InitialStoploss * _SymbolPoint;
_BEP:= BEP * _SymbolPoint;
_TrailingStoploss:= TrailingStoploss * _SymbolPoint;
_ProfitTarget:= ProfitTarget * _SymbolPoint;
_Spread:= Spread * _SymbolPoint;

{Define Active Market Hours for Taking Trade Entries}
{For Example: StartHour=2 and StartMinute=0 will allow trade entries beginning at 2:00 AM EST}
{For Example: EndHour=14 and EndMinute=30 will allow trade entries until 2:30 PM EST}

_hour:= hour();
_minute:= minute();

TradingSessionOnStart:= _hour=StartHour and _minute>=StartMinute;
TradingSessionOnEnd:= _hour=EndHour and _minute>=EndMinute;
TradingSessionOn:= SignalFlag(TradingSessionOnStart,TradingSessionOnEnd);
TradingSessionOff:= 1;
TradeEntryTimeFilter:= if(TradeEntryTimeFilterMode=0, TradingSessionOn, TradingSessionOff);

TradeEntryTimeFilterNotEnabled:= TradeEntryTimeFilter=0;
TradeEntryTimeFilterEnabled:= TradeEntryTimeFilter=1;


LongEntrySignal:= (LongTradeAlert=0 AND ShortTradeAlert=0 AND TradeEntryTimeFilter=1 AND LongEntrySetup) OR
(LongTradeAlert=0 AND Cross(0.5,ShortTradeAlert) AND TradeEntryTimeFilter=1 AND LongEntrySetup) OR
(LongTradeAlert=0 AND TradeEntryTimeFilter=1 AND ShortExitSetup);

LongEntryPrice:= valuewhen(1,LongEntrySignal,C) + _Spread;
BarsSinceLongEntry:= BarsSince(LongEntrySignal);

LongEntryInitialStop:= if(LongTradeAlert=1 OR LongEntrySignal OR LongExitSignal, LongEntryPrice - _InitialStoploss, null);
DisplayLongEntryInitialStop:= if(InitialStoplossMode=0, LongEntryInitialStop, null);

LongEntryBEStoplossFlag:= SignalFlag(LongTradeAlert=1 AND C >= (LongEntryPrice + _BEP), LongExitSignal);
LongEntryBEStoploss:= if(LongEntryBEStoplossFlag=1 OR LongEntrySignal OR LongExitSignal, LongEntryPrice, null);
DisplayLongEntryBEStoploss:= if(BEStoplossMode=0, LongEntryBEStoploss, null);

LongEntryPipTrailingStop:= if(LongTradeAlert=1 OR LongEntrySignal OR LongExitSignal, max((C - _TrailingStoploss), PREV(LongEntryPrice - _TrailingStoploss)), null);
LongEntryATRTrailingStop:= if(LongTradeAlert=1 OR LongEntrySignal OR LongExitSignal, max(HHV(H,BarsSinceLongEntry) - (ATR(ATRper) * atrmultiplier), PREV(valuewhen(1,LongEntrySignal,H) - (ATR(ATRper) * atrmultiplier))), null);
DisplayLongEntryTrailingStop:= if(TrailingStoplossMode=0 AND TrailingStoplossType=1, LongEntryPipTrailingStop,
if(TrailingStoplossMode=0 AND TrailingStoplossType=0, LongEntryATRTrailingStop,

LongEntryProfitTarget:= if(LongTradeAlert=1 OR LongEntrySignal OR LongExitSignal, LongEntryPrice + _ProfitTarget, null);
DisplayLongEntryProfitTarget:= if(ProfitTargetMode=0, LongEntryProfitTarget, null);

LongExitSignal:= (LongTradeAlert=1 AND InitialStoplossMode=0 AND Cross(LongEntryInitialStop,C))
OR (LongTradeAlert=1 AND BEStoplossMode=0 AND Cross(LongEntryBEStoploss,C))
OR (LongTradeAlert=1 AND TrailingStoplossMode=0 AND TrailingStoplossType=1 AND Cross(LongEntryPipTrailingStop,C))
OR (LongTradeAlert=1 AND TrailingStoplossMode=0 AND TrailingStoplossType=0 AND Cross(LongEntryATRTrailingStop,C))
OR (LongTradeAlert=1 AND ProfitTargetMode=0 AND Cross(C,LongEntryProfitTarget))
OR (LongTradeAlert=1 AND LongExitSetup);

LongExitPrice:= valuewhen(1,LongExitSignal,C);

ShortEntrySignal:= (ShortTradeAlert=0 AND LongTradeAlert=0 AND TradeEntryTimeFilter=1 AND ShortEntrySetup) OR
(ShortTradeAlert=0 AND Cross(0.5,LongTradeAlert) AND TradeEntryTimeFilter=1 AND ShortEntrySetup) OR
(ShortTradeAlert=0 AND TradeEntryTimeFilter=1 AND LongExitSetup);

ShortEntryPrice:= valuewhen(1,ShortEntrySignal,C);
BarsSinceShortEntry:= BarsSince(ShortEntrySignal);

ShortEntryInitialStop:= if(ShortTradeAlert=1 OR ShortEntrySignal OR ShortExitSignal, ShortEntryPrice + _InitialStoploss - _Spread, null);
DisplayShortEntryInitialStop:= if(InitialStoplossMode=0, ShortEntryInitialStop, null);

ShortEntryBEStoplossFlag:= SignalFlag(ShortTradeAlert=1 AND C <= (ShortEntryPrice - _BEP), ShortExitSignal);
ShortEntryBEStoploss:= if(ShortEntryBEStoplossFlag=1 OR ShortEntrySignal OR ShortExitSignal, ShortEntryPrice - _Spread, null);
DisplayShortEntryBEStoploss:= if(BEStoplossMode=0, ShortEntryBEStoploss, null);

ShortEntryPipTrailingStop:= if(ShortTradeAlert=1 OR ShortEntrySignal OR ShortExitSignal, min((C + _TrailingStoploss - _Spread), PREV(ShortEntryPrice + _TrailingStoploss - _Spread)), null);
ShortEntryATRTrailingStop:= if(ShortTradeAlert=1 OR ShortEntrySignal OR ShortExitSignal, min(LLV(L,BarsSinceShortEntry) + (ATR(ATRper) * atrmultiplier), PREV(valuewhen(1,ShortEntrySignal,L) + (ATR(ATRper) * atrmultiplier))), null);
DisplayShortEntryTrailingStop:= if(TrailingStoplossMode=0 AND TrailingStoplossType=1, ShortEntryPipTrailingStop,
if(TrailingStoplossMode=0 AND TrailingStoplossType=0, ShortEntryATRTrailingStop,

ShortEntryProfitTarget:= if(ShortTradeAlert=1 OR ShortEntrySignal OR ShortExitSignal, ShortEntryPrice - _ProfitTarget - _Spread, null);
DisplayShortEntryProfitTarget:= if(ProfitTargetMode=0, ShortEntryProfitTarget, null);

ShortExitSignal:= (ShortTradeAlert=1 AND InitialStoplossMode=0 AND Cross(C,ShortEntryInitialStop))
OR (ShortTradeAlert=1 AND BEStoplossMode=0 AND Cross(C,ShortEntryBEStoploss))
OR (ShortTradeAlert=1 AND TrailingStoplossMode=0 AND TrailingStoplossType=1 AND Cross(C,ShortEntryPipTrailingStop))
OR (ShortTradeAlert=1 AND TrailingStoplossMode=0 AND TrailingStoplossType=0 AND Cross(C,ShortEntryATRTrailingStop))
OR (ShortTradeAlert=1 AND ProfitTargetMode=0 AND Cross(ShortEntryProfitTarget,C))
OR (ShortTradeAlert=1 AND ShortExitSetup);

ShortExitPrice:= valuewhen(1,ShortExitSignal,C) + _Spread;

{Simulated Open Trade Determination and Trade Direction}

LongTradeAlert:= SignalFlag(LongEntrySignal,LongExitSignal);
ShortTradeAlert:= SignalFlag(ShortEntrySignal,ShortExitSignal);

{Create Auto-Trading Functionality}

OpenBuy:= LongEntrySignal and (eventCount('OpenBuy')=eventCount('CloseBuy'));
CloseBuy:= LongExitSignal and (eventCount('OpenBuy')>eventCount('CloseBuy'));

OpenSell:= ShortEntrySignal and (eventCount('OpenSell')=eventCount('CloseSell'));
CloseSell:= ShortExitSignal and (eventCount('OpenSell')>eventCount('CloseSell'));


{Calculate Simulated Individual Trade Profit In Pips}

_TradeProfitInPips:= If(LongExitSignal=1,LongExitPrice - LongEntryPrice,
If(ShortExitSignal=1,ShortEntryPrice - ShortExitPrice,

TradeProfitInPips:= if(SymbolDigits()=4, _TradeProfitInPips * 10000, _TradeProfitInPips * 100);

{Calculate Simulated Total Profit In Pips}

TotalProfitInPips:= cum(TradeProfitInPips);

{Calculate Number of Trades}

LongTrades:= cum(LongExitSignal);
ShortTrades:= cum(ShortExitSignal);

LosingTrades:= cum(If(TradeProfitInPips < 0,1,0));
WinningTrades:= cum(If(TradeProfitInPips > 0,1,0));
BreakEvenTrades:= if((LongExitSignal=1 or ShortExitSignal=1) and TradeProfitInPips=0, PREV(0)+1, PREV(0));
TotalTrades:= cum(LongExitSignal) + cum(ShortExitSignal);

{Calculate Additional Stats}

WinningTradesPips:= if(TradeProfitInPips > 0,TradeProfitInPips + PREV(0), PREV(0));
LosingTradesPips:= if(TradeProfitInPips < 0,TradeProfitInPips + PREV(0), PREV(0));

LargestWinningTradeInPips:= max(TradeProfitInPips,PREV(0));
LargestLosingTradeInPips:= min(TradeProfitInPips,PREV(0));

AverageWinningTradeInPips:= WinningTradesPips / WinningTrades;
AverageLosingTradeInPips:= LosingTradesPips / LosingTrades;

PercentProfitable:= (WinningTrades/TotalTrades) * 100;
AverageWinLossRatio:= AverageWinningTradeInPips / AverageLosingTradeInPips;

#2 Posted : Sunday, July 29, 2012 5:07:47 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

Groups: Registered, Registered Users, Subscribers
Joined: 5/13/2005(UTC)
Posts: 715
Location: Midwest, USA

Was thanked: 1 time(s) in 1 post(s)
You're going to have to define the following:

1. spr
2. Sh
3. smat
4. lpr
5. Lg
6. lmat
7. sig
8. sigmat

Also, you need to use to use tags when posting code, or parts may be editted out by the forum software (see below).

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