Thank you Sir for your reply,
I am newbie to MetaStock Software.
This is my first formula what i am trying. Actually i want to analyze a Script
by getting the High and Low in a specific time, say between 10am to 10:50am,
and if this Script value oscillate in between this High and Low up to a
specific time, say up to 11:30am. After 11:30am if a new High/Low crosses the
old High/Low (i.e., what we got the High and Low in between 10am to 10:50am)
then i should get to Buy/Sell signal. If the first High and Low Bar highlighted in different color it will be nice.
From equis forum i got one formula and trying to modify for my use.
{ Time Inputs }
StHour:=Input("start Hour",0,23,10);
StMin:=Input("start Minute",0,59,00);
EnHour:=Input("last Hour",0,23,10);
EnMin:=Input("last Minute",0,59,50);
{ Time period }
OR Hour()=StHour AND Minute()>=StMin;
OR Hour()=EnHour AND Minute()<=EnMin;
start AND (end OR (start AND Alert(start=0,2)));
{ Start/End time signals }
start:=filter AND Alert(filter=0,2);
end:=filter=0 AND Alert(filter,2);
{ Hi/Lo values }
{ Plot on price chart }