Hi Towcobra
Someone asked me this the other day (possibly you) but the question was phrased a little differently and I didn’t quite get it.
Start with my Date Filter indicator and set the date range defaults as required. Just changing the settings in the Parameter window won’t get the correct dates to the explorer – you must change the default values. Next enter the column code into any explorer column, set the number of records appropriately (do not use Minimum Records setting), and run the exploration.
You can change the ROC() function from % to $ if you wants a points rather than percentage performance value.
Hope this helps.
{Date Filter}
Sd:=Input("Start day" ,1,31,8);
Sm:=Input("Start month",1,12,1);
Sy:=Input("Start year" ,1980,2015,2010);
Ed:=Input("End day" ,1,31,4);
Em:=Input("End month" ,1,12,2);
Ey:=Input("End year" ,1980,2020,2010);
Start:=(DayOfMonth()>=Sd AND Month()=Sm AND
Year()=Sy) OR Year()>Sy OR (Year()=Sy AND
End:=(DayOfMonth()<=Ed AND Month()=Em AND
Year()=Ey) OR Year()<Ey OR (Year()=Ey AND
Start AND (End OR (Start AND Alert(Start=0,2)));
{colA: RangeROC}
D:=Fml("Date Filter");
B:=D AND Alert(D=FALSE,2); {mark start bar of date range}
N:=Cum(D)=LastValue(Cum(D)); {find end bar of date range}
N:=N AND Alert(N=FALSE,2); {mark end bar of date range}
R:=ValueWhen(1,B OR N,C); {identify start and end of range values}
ValueWhen(1,B OR N,ROC(R,1,%)); {return start to end ROC}