Hello Metastock Users:
I would like to get everyone's opinion on the following Darvas scan to run search new Darvas trades.
Looking to find Hot Momentum stocks using the Darvas trading method.
Price >$5
New High 52-Week High-Yes
52-week High > 2X52-week Low
New High Col A: H>ref(HHV(H,250),-1)
Significant High Col B: HHV(H,250)>2*LLV(L,250)
Close Col C: CLOSE
Previous Close Col D: Ref(Close,-1)
% Change Col E: ROC(Close,1percent)
Volume Col F: VOLUME
5 Year High Col G: HHV(C,1250)
4 Month Low Col H: LLV(L,88)
6 Month ROC Col I: ROC(C,126,%)
Filter: Col A =1 AND Col B =1 AND Col C >5 AND Volume > 50000
Maybe we should add recent volume change of at least a 400% increase compared to the average daily volume for the past few weeks. plus the stock must also be rising in price and make a new yearly high.
Would like to get everyone's feedback on this scan and I' m open for any suggestions all memebers can give me. I know there a re a few scans out there that require fundamental dat to run the scan. But Metastock doesn 't have that capablility.
Here are a few scans that require fundamental data, would like to have the same scan but using into Metastock any suggestions on running a scan without fundamental data that will scan for hot momentum stocks?
Scan 1:
Stock Price history: % change last six months greater than 100
Growth rate: EPS growth QTR vs QTR greater than 50
Growth rate: EPS growth Year vs Year Greater than 50
Tradin/Volume Average Daily volume last QTR greater than 100,000
Market Capitalization less than 2,000,000,000
Stock Price greater than $4 and less than $30
5 year High display
Scan 2
Earnings per share up at least 40% this qtr over last year's same qtr
sales per share up at least 40% this qtr over sales per share last year's same qtr
stocks relative strength to be in the top 15% you only want stocks with a relative strength rating 85 or beter. or doubled in the last year
average daily volume 250,000 per day
stock price $15 or higher
member of the top 50 industry group
Looking to hear from everyone's suggestions.