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I have followed all the instructions in the Metastock manual for "creating custom symbol lists." (see copy below from [censored]te 3/19/05 I have been able to save the symbols, capital letters, and in a simple column of symbols. This was saved in Notebook with the .sym extension by files of type showing "all files." ETc. However when I open this file in Downloader, to make the new folder of symbols, it states that there are no symbols there. I have repeated these steps in slgiht variations. for example, first creating the ascii file as a .txt file , then renaming to .sym etc. I have tries shutting the computer down and restarting. The Downlader will show symbols in some of other sym files residing in the downlader folder, but not all. Nothing works. any clues as to why this is such a hassel to "create custom symbol lists? Thanks, Geo
1. Open a new ASCII file in a text editor (e.g. WordPad, Notepad).
2. Type the list of securities to add to the Symbol Database using the following format:
<Security name>, <symbol>, <exchange>
Microsoft, MSFT, NASD
Apple Computer, AAPL, NASD
Oracle, ORCL, NASD
Iomega, IOM, NYSE
There should be no spaces before or after commas. Each individual security must be entered on a separate line in the text editor. The <exchange> and <security name> entries are completely optional.
You may also create an ASCII file using the following format:
In the example above, the ASCII file contains only one field per line (i.e., the symbol).
Since the <security name> is not provided, The DownLoader will attempt to provide a
<Security name> from the existing Symbol Database. For example, since the Symbol
Database in The DownLoader associates the symbol "MSFT" to the security name "Microsoft,"
the name "Microsoft" will automatically be used in the <security name> field. However, if
The DownLoader does not find a match for the <symbol> in the existing list, the symbol itself
will be used in place of the <security name>.
3. Save the ASCII file with the extension ".SYM" (e.g. "COMPUTER.SYM").
Note that when you save the file in Notepad or WordPad, you should choose "All Files" from the Files of type drop list. If you do not, a ".TXT" extension will be added after the file name (e.g. "COMPUTER.SYM.TXT"). If this happens, rename the file in Windows Explorer so the Symbol Database will correctly recognize the file format.
4. Place the ASCII file in the same folder as The DownLoader program.
(E.G. "C:\\Program Files\\Equis\ he DownLoader")
5. Open The DownLoader and display the Symbol Database.
6. The name of the newly created Symbol Database file will be displayed in the
Type menu of the Symbol Database.