Hi ,
Thank you for your prompt answer on the DFT (Discrete Fourier Transform).
If you can help, I am keen to use spectral analysis techniques on stock market data.
Below is the TradeStaion code for the Discrete Fourier Transform
if you could convert it to MetaStock code.
The only the value of the DFT is important not the
Heat Map.
Strategy: Ehlers DFT
Price( MedianPrice ),
Window( 50 ), { maximum Window = 50 }
OverBought( 70 ),
OverSold( 30 ),
Frac( 0.5 ) ;
HP( 0 ),
CleanedData( 0 ),
Per( 0 ),
CosPer( 0 ),
CycPer( 0 ),
Alpha1( 0 ),
Period( 0 ),
n( 0 ),
MaxPwr( 0 ),
Num( 0 ),
Denom( 0 ),
ThreeMinus( 0 ),
DominantCycle( 0 ),
Change( 0 ),
AbsChange( 0 ),
Count( 0 ),
DFT_RSI( 0 ) ;
{ arrays are sized for a maximum period of 50 bars }
CosinePart[50]( 0 ),
SinePart[50]( 0 ),
Pwr[50]( 0 ),
DB[50]( 0 ),
SF[50]( 0 ),
NetChgAvg[50]( 0 ),
TotchgAvg[50]( 0 ),
RSIArray[50]( 0 ) ;
{ detrend data by high-pass filtering with a 40 period
cut-off }
if CurrentBar <= 5 then
HP = Price ;
CleanedData = Price ;
else if CurrentBar > 5 then
Per = 360 / 40 ;
CosPer = Cosine( Per ) ;
if CosPer <> 0 then
Alpha1 = ( 1 - Sine( Per ) ) / CosPer ;
HP = 0.5 * ( 1 + Alpha1 ) * ( Price - Price[ 1 ] ) +
Alpha1 * HP[1] ;
CleanedData = ( HP + 2 * HP[1] + 3 * HP[2] + 3 *
HP[3] + 2 * HP[4] + HP[5] ) / 12 ;
end ;
{ calculate DFT }
for Period = 8 to 50
CosinePart[Period] = 0 ;
SinePart[Period] = 0 ;
for n = 0 to Window - 1
CycPer = ( 360 * n ) / Period ;
CosinePart[Period] = CosinePart[Period] +
CleanedData[n] * Cosine( CycPer ) ;
SinePart[Period] = SinePart[Period] +
CleanedData[n] * Sine( CycPer ) ;
end ;
Pwr[Period] = Square( CosinePart[Period] ) +
Square( SinePart[Period] ) ;
end ;
{ find maximum power level for normalization }
MaxPwr = Pwr[8] ;
for Period = 8 to 50
if Pwr[Period] > MaxPwr then
MaxPwr = Pwr[Period] ;
end ;
{ normalize power levels and convert to decibels }
for Period = 8 to 50
if MaxPwr > 0 and Pwr[Period] > 0 then
DB[Period] = -10 * log( 0.01 / ( 1 - 0.99 *
Pwr[Period] / MaxPwr ) ) / log( 10 ) ;
if DB[Period] > 20 then
DB[Period] = 20 ;
end ;
{ find dominant cycle using CG algorithm }
Num = 0 ;
Denom = 0 ;
for Period = 8 to 50
if DB[Period] < 3 then
ThreeMinus = 3 - DB[Period] ;
Num = Num + Period * ThreeMinus ;
Denom = Denom + ThreeMinus ;
end ;
end ;
if Denom <> 0 then
DominantCycle = Num / Denom ;
Change = Price - Price[1] ;
AbsChange = AbsValue( Change ) ;
for Count = 1 to Window
if CurrentBar = 1 then
SF[Count] = 1 / Count ;
NetChgAvg[Count] = ( Price - Price[Count] ) /
Count ;
TotChgAvg[Count] = Average( AbsChange, Count ) ;
NetChgAvg[Count] = NetChgAvg[Count][1] +
SF[Count] * ( Change - NetChgAvg[Count][1] ) ;
TotChgAvg[Count] = TotChgAvg[Count][1] +
SF[Count] * ( AbsChange -
TotChgAvg[Count][1] ) ;
if TotChgAvg[Count] <> 0 then
RSIArray[Count] = ( 50 *
( NetChgAvg[Count] / TotChgAvg[Count] +
1 ) )
RSIArray[Count] = 50 ;
end ;
end ;
DFT_RSI = RSIArray[ iff( Frac * DominantCycle < 50,
Frac * DominantCycle, 50 ) ] ;
{ CB > 1 check used to avoid spurious cross confirmation at CB = 1 }
if Currentbar > 1 then
if DFT_RSI crosses over OverSold then
Buy ( "RSI-LE" ) next bar at market ;
if DFT_RSI crosses under OverBought then
Sell Short ( "RSI-SE" ) next bar at market ;
end ;
Hoping you can help
Best regards.