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Groups: Registered, Registered Users, Subscribers Joined: 7/4/2006(UTC) Posts: 57 Location: Zurich, Switzerland
Sorry, for bothering you guys, I just found it on José's Webpage. Sorry for bothering you guys.
Thank's José, this might be of great help.
For anybody else whom might run into this problem:
==================== Calendar Day counter ==================== ---8<---------------------------
{Day counter from 1/1/0001, Gregorian calendar. Count is independent of any missing chart data.
©Copyright 2003~2006 Jose Silva. The grant of this license is for personal use only - no resale or repackaging allowed. All code remains the property of Jose Silva. http://www.metastocktools.com }
{ User input } limit:=Input("count calendar days from year",1,2200,2000);
{ Day counter } LimLeap:=Frac(limit/4)=0 AND Frac(limit/100)<>0 OR Frac(limit/400)=0; NoCount:=limit*365+Int(limit/4) -Int(limit/100)+Int(limit/400)-LimLeap; leap:=Frac(Year()/4)=0 AND Frac(Year()/100)<>0 OR Frac(Year()/400)=0; y:=Year()*365+Int(Year()/4) -Int(Year()/100)+Int(Year()/400)-NoCount; m:= If(Month()=2,31-leap, If(Month()=3,59, If(Month()=4,90, If(Month()=5,120, If(Month()=6,151, If(Month()=7,181, If(Month()=8,212, If(Month()=9,243, If(Month()=10,273, If(Month()=11,304, If(Month()=12,334, -leap))))))))))); DayNr:=y+m+DayOfMonth();
{ Plot in own window } DayNr