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#1 Posted : Tuesday, November 1, 2005 12:21:24 PM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

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Joined: 3/19/2005(UTC)
Posts: 2,995

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[color=blue:465b2e19ff]”Official” Wishlist Requests [/color] [list=1:465b2e19ff][*:465b2e19ff]Add Canadian and Australian industries and indices to the data CD. [*:465b2e19ff]Ability to compare the previous day's exploration with the current day; add a function to highlight or extract just the new stocks that come up. [*:465b2e19ff]Add specific load options for each exploration. [*:465b2e19ff]Fix the formula functions IsDefined() and IsUndefined. [*:465b2e19ff]Ability to define a null plot - i.e. feature to STOP drawing the plot until the formula specifies. [*:465b2e19ff]Better organization of indicators, experts, explorations and systems. Add the ability to group these into directories and sub-directories (e.g. Bar Patterns, Candle Patterns, Trend Following, Swing Trades, etc). [*:465b2e19ff]Make the Indicator Builder, System Tester, and data windows resizable and add the ability to minimize them. [*:465b2e19ff]Add a last change in % option to the chart window properties. [*:465b2e19ff]Allows the user to select which method is used to calculate the value of an option contract in OptionScope. [*:465b2e19ff]Make a portfolio manager. [*:465b2e19ff]Add a feature to allow us the option of where to store our formulae again. [*:465b2e19ff]Add a menu bar control to the charts like a music player control bar (Back, Forward, Play, Stop). [*:465b2e19ff]Add the ability to define the stock week other than Monday to Friday for international customers. [*:465b2e19ff]Enable a System Tester redo feature (take example from trade sim) [*:465b2e19ff]Add the ability to set the intraday periodicity higher than 60 minutes and allow custom tick count. [*:465b2e19ff]Increase flexibility in the MetaStock Formula Language by adding ability to code loops, case statement, etc. [*:465b2e19ff]Make the Downloader smarter. Add the ability to correct invalid symbols. [*:465b2e19ff]Incorporate an automatic symbol update feature that operates seamlessly in the background. [*:465b2e19ff]Add the ability for MetaStock to check for and retrieve on-line updates automatically. [*:465b2e19ff]Add formatting commands to MetaStock Formula Language. See BullCharts for an example. [*:465b2e19ff]Add alerts to drawing tools such as trendlines, triangle, horizontal line and rectangle etc. When the price crosses the line or enters the enclosed area, an alert report is automatically produced. [*:465b2e19ff]Make futures rollovers easier. [*:465b2e19ff]Make a 'save as image' function. [*:465b2e19ff]Add more functions to 'chart properties' such as the ability to add a background image to charts. [*:465b2e19ff]Add the ability for the System Tester to scan for earnings. [*:465b2e19ff]Add the ability to define variables to the MetaStock Formula Language. [*:465b2e19ff]Enable the ability to export data, System Tester results, etc. to a .csv file. [*:465b2e19ff]Bring back the "select folders" (not individual securities) function in the Explorer. [*:465b2e19ff]Tabbed pages like FireFox. [*:465b2e19ff]Add the ability to turn an indicator off and on instead of either adding or removing. [*:465b2e19ff]Add an undelete button/option. [*:465b2e19ff]Add a parabolic trend line. [*:465b2e19ff]Add macro support. [*:465b2e19ff]List actual Fibonacci Retracement values on-screen or in a popup box. [*:465b2e19ff]Add a trade game module or simulator [*:465b2e19ff]Add a forecasting module [*:465b2e19ff]Much, much faster Metastock Explorations when using a real-time Quotecenter connection. One exploration may take 30 minutes for all Optionable stocks (2500) on a fast computer and a fast connection. I suggest cutting a real time exploration of 2500 stocks to 5 minutes or less. Schwab’s Street Smart Pro’s explorations are almost instantaneous. During the daily workflow it’s important that 2-3 explorations can be started at noon and completed before 12:30 PM, so that there is time enough for some trading based on the Exploration reports before the market closes. [*:465b2e19ff]The ability to very easily transfer the results of multiple Metastock Explorer reports into Excel either through drag and drop, saving multiple reports as multiple worksheets in one workbook, copy/pasting multiple reports to Excel and import/export (one feature that’s missing is the select all feature, currently the data has to be highlighted by selecting the first and last rows), and very flexible export of reports. I know that it’s already possible to transfer data. The focus should be on the ease and speed of transferring data to Excel, not just the possibility of transferring data. A time consuming method for transferring the results of multiple explorations is not very useful, when you are in a hurry. [*:465b2e19ff]More columns within the Metastock Explorer edit window. 6 windows is not enough. I would like to suggest a feature where the user can create as many columns as needed. [*:465b2e19ff]The ability to maximize and minimize all Metastock Explorer windows (Edit, Explore, Reports) using standard Windows windows with maximize, minimize icons in the upper right corner. It’s almost impossible to work or enter code in the small existing windows. This feature also applies for all Quote Center, Expert, and Indicator Builder windows. [*:465b2e19ff]Replace the current Metastock Formula Language with a more powerful Visual Basic type language, or a full featured macro language similar to the one found in Excel and including existing Metastock formula language functionality. The lack of a Case statement severely limits the formula language. Therefore Case statements, If then else endif statements, while statements, for to statements, multiple dimension arrays etc. should be included. I want to suggest working with Microsoft on including their Excel macro engine for creating explorations. [*:465b2e19ff]The Metastocks Formula Language editor should be developed into a more full featured Integrated Development Environment (IDE) with a debugger, break points, variable tracking etc. [*:465b2e19ff]A much improved alert system within the Metastock Expert with additional options. It must be possible to: a. Select audio alerts only, without text alerts. Sometimes I just want my attention focused on an Expert connected to a real time intraday chart, without having to go through the trouble of having to click ok to make the alert window disappear. Having to click ok to acknowledge an alert can be very annoying especially when an expert is attached to an intraday 1 minute chart. [*:465b2e19ff]Having alerts sent as an SMS to a cell phone [*:465b2e19ff]A scheduling and windows automation feature using a macro language that allows a user to automate several Metastock tasks using a macro such as: a. Configure and schedule multiple downloads using the Downloader b. Scheduling and running multiple explorations using the Explorer c. Transferring multiple reports to excel from the Explorer d. Running multiple System Tests based on the results of the explorations [*:465b2e19ff]One Downloader rather than 2 different Downloaders for downloading symbols and prices for Reuters Datalink and reuters QuoteCenter [*:465b2e19ff]The ability to maximize and minimize all Metastock, Quotecenter, Metastock Expert, Metastock Explorer and Metastock Indicator windows using standard Windows minimize, and maximize icons in the upper right corner of the window. This feauture should also be available in the main explorer window, the edit window and the reports window. [*:465b2e19ff]It would be nice with chart tabs in the charting tool similar to the tabs in the Firefox or Opera browser in addition to the ability to cascade, tile and stack for quickly shifting through charts. [*:465b2e19ff]Integration between Quotecenter and Metastock Pro is a must. Currently there is little or no integration. I would like to be able to use fundamental criteria from Quotecenter in a Metastock Exploration such as PE ratio, Cash Flow Q1, Current Year EPS 30 days ago etc. [/list:o:465b2e19ff]
#2 Posted : Saturday, December 17, 2005 1:45:43 AM(UTC)

Rank: Advanced Member

Groups: Registered, Registered Users
Joined: 3/19/2005(UTC)
Posts: 2,995

Was thanked: 14 time(s) in 10 post(s)
[color=blue:bc30d3d811]”Official” Wishlist Requests- Page 2 [/color] [list=1:bc30d3d811][*:bc30d3d811]More included symbol lists in Quotecenter such as the entire Nasdaq and the ability to export/import symbol lists from an Explorer exploration to Quotecenter’s Marke[censored]ch. [*:bc30d3d811]It’s almost impossible to scroll through and select the right fields from a list of 700+ fields in the Select Fields window in Quotecenter’s Market watch since the window can’t be maximized to full screen size, and because of the lack of descriptions. These features should also apply to a similar window in the Reuters Tool menu in Excel. [*:bc30d3d811]An unlimited list of symbols should be included in the high price Reuters is charging for Quotecenter. Schwab doesn’t charge for Street Smart Pro. [*:bc30d3d811]Useable documentation for Quotecenter. Metastock Pro comes with decent documentation. Quotecenter comes with almost no documentation. It’s almost impossible to get a description of the 700+ data fields available in Quotecenter. The included PDF files are faulty. [*:bc30d3d811]Make the favorites folder 'real' instead of some pseudo-folder. Give it an actual location on the hard disk and the ability to be updated bythe Downloader. [*:bc30d3d811]An on-screen Toggle (in a tiny corner) to let us do a 'Quick' System Test on the current chart. It would take whatever last System Test was run and 'apply' the result (run it real quick in the background with the current stock if need be, 1 stock, 1 test (this may need a seperate setup area)... so, then it would toggle on/off the buy/sell signals and toggle up/dn the system results page. [*:bc30d3d811]The hard-coded Reuters Research URLs (webres.dta) should be user editable through some type of simple interface such as a Properties Window if you right-click on the link. Perhaps this capability (i.e., editing web resources) should be performed within a .ini flat file. [*:bc30d3d811]Multiple time frame support in MSFL [*:bc30d3d811]Custom Metrics- the ability to add user-defined statistics of any kind [*:bc30d3d811]A faster optimization without limitations (variables) [*:bc30d3d811]Better integration with Excel... to be defined... [*:bc30d3d811]Add ability to batch process data conversion in the Downloader [*:bc30d3d811]Standardize the date/time format in the Downloader to be compatible with the original ASCII/CSV/Excel files. This is generating erroneous output for some add-on's/plug-in's functions (i.e. TDataCreate/TDataLocalize from PowerPivots Plus). [*:bc30d3d811]Add the ability for the Downloader to download intraday data [*:bc30d3d811]Real time local folder updates are not working for Forex Intraday symbols [*:bc30d3d811]Add 2, 4 and 8 hours time frame support [*:bc30d3d811]Implement recursive coding ability. e.g., := P1*PrType + P2*PrType[1] + P2*PrType[2] + P3*PrType[3] + P4*PrType[4] + A*f[1] +B*f[2] + C*f[3] + D*f[4]; where P1-P4,A,B,C,D are constant coeficients, PrType/1[]/[2]/[3]/[4] are the Price Type (e.g. OHLC, MP(),Typ()) or another indicator output, f[1]/[2,/3]/[4] are the recursive function references 1,2,3 and 4 bars ago. [*:bc30d3d811]Add option for "Other" periodicity in the options dialog box for Explorer. [*:bc30d3d811]In Hongkong, all of the symbols are numbers, just type the number and the chart is shown. Clicking the mouse is a rare. Therefore, developing a "type-in symbol" function for far-east user would be great. [*:bc30d3d811]Add more columns to the MS data fields, so that custom data can be plotted. i.e., extend the OHLCVOI limitations and add Custom1, custom2, etc. Something that will allow for the import of fundamental data such as ROE, etc. Really, the uses are limitless... [*:bc30d3d811]Ability to sort custom indicators into different folders. For example, the list displayed in the indicator builder would have different levels... a tree view; regardless of where the actual indicator is stored. [*:bc30d3d811]Ability to create a blank security- or just a blank screen really- that can receive OLE data without being dependent on a particular underlying security. [*:bc30d3d811]Bring back from the dead the "select exploration parent folder", rather than the current "select exploration securities from each of your A~Z folders". [*:bc30d3d811]Add the ability to change the data window background color. [*:bc30d3d811]Update the calendar function, like on the X-Axis properties. There is a calendar API that is faster and allows you to advance a year at a time as well as month, and the same as most other applications use. [*:bc30d3d811]Have the properties window be independant of the main window. When building indicators and the properties window is open, you have to close the properties window to zoom in or do anything with the main chart window. [*:bc30d3d811]On a template have some sort of X-Axis displayed properties available. I use mostly 3 month charts. To Zoom to the proper amount of data displayed on a single chart is not that big of deal, but to view charts on some of the larger runs like IBD100 - it adds up. [*:bc30d3d811]Add a Notes section to the indicator builder like the one in the Exploration Editor window. [*:bc30d3d811]Horizontal volume bars showing volume by price rather than date... similar to function found in Fidelity's Active Trader Pro. [*:bc30d3d811]Add a floating window with the alerts just appending to the memo window with a date and time stamp along with the other alert information. [*:bc30d3d811]Add the ability to set and retain pivot values to different colors and patterns as suggested in one of the FXTA training sessions. [*:bc30d3d811]Add a unix/linux client to download the Data from Reuters directly. [*:bc30d3d811]Add a linux tool to put the downloaded metastock data direcly into SQL database without going through ASCII. [*:bc30d3d811]Add linux dll support. [*:bc30d3d811]Create a perl module or something similar to use the metastock platform independently. [*:bc30d3d811]Offer a no_gui command line tool for downloading Reuters data and one for simply querying the local metastock database (ASCII/CSV output). [*:bc30d3d811]Create an optional FXTA Buy/Sell indicator chart time frame. See http://forum.equis.com/viewtopic.php?p=16197 [*:bc30d3d811]Remove the 'Online Trading' toolbar altogether and work on buffing up the 'Custom Toolbar' features. [*:bc30d3d811]Change the "Favorites" folder feature to use a NORMAL DIRECTORY FOLDER instead. [/list:o:bc30d3d811] ***Last updated: May 17, 2006***
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