The download converter is a picky - picky - picky little animal that needs considerable improvement. To get your downloads from Yahoo:
Yahoo asks if you want to save as *.CSV", say yes.
Now, there are a couple of formats that yahoo does. the history (which you ought to use even if its only for one day on a daily basis)
For qqqq, you get a file like this:
Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj. Close*
The converter doesn't like this date format. Open the file in Excel, and format the whole column to
Date,Open,High,Low,Close,Volume,Adj. Close*
Now, it also will not like the "header"
Use Excel to add some columns. Delete the "close column, and label the last column as close. It helps to add a Name column and use "<" and ">" to get a format that looks like this (I put in spaces for clarity; do not put any spaces in):
qqqq, 5/23/05, 37.66, 37.99, 37.60, 93068200,37.85
qqqq, 5/20/05, 37.45, 37.69, 37.35, 66530100,37.66
qqqq 5/19/05, 37.29, 37.52, 37.20, 92619696,37.51
BY including a "ticker" column, you can have a mix of securities in one conversion.
I think the real sticking point is the format of the date and the distinction of the column headers.
I'm sorry if this seems too complicated. If it is, complain to Metastock.