Just received the following via email. Rather than improve the creaky old engine to make it more efficient and usable for daily traders who have been longtime customers, they're trying to cram the new glitz and useless geegaws down our throats. Even long-requested trivial improvements haven't been made (like showing accepted symbol-counts in Explorations, rather than just rejection counts - I could code that for them in 10 minutes). I don't mind upgrades and don't mind paying something for them, but an upgrade should be just that - improvements that make the product work better for me. Restoring local data gets you back the capability I already have in version 11 and removed a deal-killer barrier to my upgrading, but it adds nothing for me; nothing else has been changed or added to the product that would benefit me, from the many demos I've watched and features lists I've read.
There is no reason MS couldn't keep the activation server alive; they're just trying to force us to cough up more cash for nothing beneficial. If it's really that onerous or impossible to do, MetaStock, why not just remove the DRM altogether so we can stay alive after a system crash or other problem in the future? Do you really think so little of your longtime customers who have invested thousands of dollars in your product, plugins and services - are you that desperate for revenue, to resort to "digital extortion", forcing us to pay $249 for (in my case, at least) absolutely no product improvement after ten years?
I'm sure I'm not the only one taking a pass on the last few versions because they really don't add anything to benefit serious traders who develop our own methodologies rather than keep looking for the latest "magic system". Since you're walking away from us, I think it's finally time for me to get serious about finding a modern alternative to MetaStock, even with all the hassle, effort and time that would entail. Now that I think about it, perhaps another way to go is to revert to my v9.1 copy of MetaStock, which has none of this DRM nonsense embarnacling it; I'd have to test my v11 chart layouts and Explorations for compatibility, but I have a feeling they'd work.
Dear Valued Client;
This important notice is for all clients currently using MetaStock versions 10 or 11. If you have a more recent of version of MetaStock, you may ignore this notice.
We no longer support the licensing technology that allows users to activate MetaStock version 10. Additionally, as of February 1, 2017 we will no longer support the licensing technology that allows users to activate version 11 of MetaStock software.
You will no longer be able to activate or login to MetaStock versions 10 or 11 under certain conditions. These include, but are not limited to:
If you install the MetaStock 10 or 11 on a new computer or new hard drive
If you need to reinstall or reactivate MetaStock 10 or 11 on your current hard drive due to issues with the licensing software
This issue will have no effect on your current version of The Downloader.
Though we will continue to support MetaStock 10 and 11 as much as reasonably possible, if your current version requires installation, or reactivation for any reason, you will no longer be able login in to version 10 or 11 of MetaStock.
We understand that some clients choose to continue using these older versions of MetaStock due to their ability to function with local data and operate offline. In our latest version of MetaStock we have re-incorporated these features.
Edited by user 8 years ago
| Reason: Not specified