Product and Service Development
Why Metastock 12 cannot be updated without $25/mo ?
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Bonjour, Why Metastock 12 cannot be updated without $25/mo ? The Downloader was a good system. Anybody could update freely his Metastock database. Now we have to pay for a free information. What do you thinl about it ? Best regards Carmichael.
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Metastock has tried to fix the symbol problem with the reuters datalink by forcing everybody to their high end data feed. They forgot that a lot of their users also use the EOD data for other software. WTH are you talking about?
Hopefully they will see that they have left a lot of users in the dust, and rectify the issue so that you can use third party data!
There is no use of beating a dead horse! Equis knows of this issue!
They have come to a crossroads. Continue with the new data feed and leave the core of their users behind, or to find a solution to make EOD data easily available for use with 3rd party software!
They will see that the core base of users will switch to other data feeds and then to other software providers.
Before a previous user upgrades, he will have to see major upgrades in the software 1: keep up with newer versions of windows 2: make the software compatible with the newest versions of computing 64 bit multi core processing 3: make it multi platform compatible smartphone , mac 4: make it more compatible with online brokers 5: offer new features in the software platform 6: offer new functions
They have to realize that online brokers offer a plethora of features for free, those same features are charged with their platform!
Johnny Cochran said it best " if the gloves don't fit! You must must acquit! "
Ease of use is the main reason we use Metastock, But if a Prettier Girl Comes Around, We Will Check Her Out!!!
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I hate this move by Equis with their MetaStock 12. I've been seriously thinking switching to Amibroker.
One of the reasons that I chose MetaStock when I just started trading 8 or 9 years ago was that MetaStock was the industry standard, and the parent company Thomas Reuters was a large company and thus I perceived that it would provide stability in the program. I didn't want to spend years of my time and effort in one program and then the company goes out of business and I then have to spend time learning another program. Now, I did not expect that this curve ball from Equis was coming!
Well, now I have been a trader long enough and this is my trader's mentality at work: it is like you can't control the market and you can only control what your responses to whatever the market handles to you. It is up to Equis to do whatever they wish, but this is my plan, I will give Equis a year to correct this problem of MetaStock 12 not being able to read offline data, if they correct it, I will be gladly upgrading to MS 12 and future versions when it is time. If they don't correct this serious flaw, well, there isn't anything I can do to correct them except that I will vote with my wallet and switch to Amibroker or any other program that I think that will fit my needs (and tell everyone who seeks my opinion on a charting package not to use MetaStock because it can't read offline data).
In my opinion, Equis really made a bad move, yes, with this new policy, they lock a few customers to their datafeed, but they have abandoned many customers who just use the charting ability of MetaStock to do whatever technical analysis on their own databases! Equis, you have abandoned your platform! Can you imagine Microsoft all of a sudden declares that only Microsoft applications can be installed on Windows? Yes, you may get more revenue for a while, but it is a matter of time that someone else sees this unmet need and will be gald to fill the vacuum, and then it will be too late for you. Don't be a fisherman who eats his bait, don't kill your goose that lays the golden egg, come on, keep your charting package an open platform so that other people develop stuff based on your standard and publize your platform for free, think Facebook!
Wake up! Equis! Are you listening! Do not act childishly!
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Yes! I do agree with
all the statements in this and other forums about the strategy equis has chosen.
I decided for metastock years ago exactly because of what equis will leave now –
a standard data format – witch can been read by other software, too. I will
either stay with metastock 11 or swich to another platform.
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I too am disappointed with this latest move by Equis in restricting users of Metastock 12 to use only Reuters data.
I have been a long-time user of Metastock and was about to upgrade from an older version to version 12 but am now looking at other options.
I think this move could backfire on Equis.
I am sure there will be customers who lock in to the Reuters data service but I think equally, there will be many customers driven away from Metastock to avoid paying for data when there are ample sources of free data available.
How about a re-think on this one Equis?
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Enough beating a DEAD HORSE, he's not going to finish this race! Equis has to realize their mistake! If they continue on their merry way, they do so without the vast legions of contented users.
Those of us who have not upgraded to MS 12 ,can still use Reuters data or else we will find other vendors to fill our needs!
We will always look for a better software program! After all, we are a gready bunch of lost souls!
Ask yourself this, did you stop looking at girls once you fell in love with your highschool crush?
Hell NO! You never stopped looking! It is the same with Metastock! After reading Stocks and Commodities , you will check out the newest recommedations,software or newer systems? It doesn't matter, YOU HAVE A ROVING EYE!
There are only two thing that drive a trader! GREED and FEAR!
The only way Equis will ever see the light,is to see the vast ammount of users leave their nest! If you voted with your wallet, then Equis might change, else they will forever become scattered roadkill
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I'd settle for tick charts.. amateur hour from a once great company
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Perhaps MS is slowly moving to the upscale market, traders with accounts of at least $200,000 who do not mind paying a yearly data subscription.
Beginners might want to start making money with cheap software as a test of their abilities and switch to MS when serious cash from profits in the markets is in their wallet.
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I'm listening ;-)
John Slauson MetaStock Product Manager
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John S wrote:I'm listening ;-)
John Slauson MetaStock Product Manager
Hi John,
I wonder if reducing the data subscription fees will bring the small traders who want cheap data back to MS.
On another line of thought, many beautiful charts could be created in Downloader for viewing in MS. One can input data for numismatic coins, real estate, art, etc. Now we are left to make do with Excel spreadsheets.
I'll stick with MS v11 (The Downloader version) but I am aware that in 2-3 years as Microsoft drops support for Windows XP in 2014, Equis will make new changes and that I shall have to get other charting software from software makers who do not sell data.
Things always have to change. What to do? [:(]
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We are considering adding some type of support for local data so that customers can plot unique data such as you mention.
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John S wrote:We are considering adding some type of support for local data so that customers can plot unique data such as you mention.
Hello John,
That will be nice!
In the meantime I wonder how all the users who bought MS v8 or v9 for $100 at pirate web sites are faring ... [:D] Did they make those millions of dollars in profits or not because something bad held them back? [:P]
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Piracy is a huge problem for us--both software and data. MetaStock 12 greatly reduces the possibility of either. The good news is that as the economies of the worst offenders improve, piracy tends to drop. We have some fantasic resellers in some of these countries. But they take a huge beating because of piracy.
Karma....the ironic word of the day. :-)
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John S wrote:Karma....the ironic word of the day. :-)
Hello John,
I am an ultra-liberal person. People may steal everything at any time, but not when taking up trading. Put it this way: books, software and laptops should not be lent, borrowed or stolen for learning how to trade. [;)]
Thieves from all civilian professions coming to trading must change their mindset to have a glimmer of hope for successful trading.
In 2002 I have been offered a copy of TradeStation and other software costing US$2,500 for free and I refused. Simply put, I do not want to know that I stole. I have lots of bad memories from what other persons did but I do not want to have something bad I did to remember. [:O]
It's OK not to have luxuries at home, but at least the person who wants to learn how to trade should save enough to buy the software which they so badly want to save their life through private trading, especially now with rising unemployment and all the problems of an overcrowded world.
While I perfectly understand and agree to every company’s concerns in combating, reducing and eliminating piracy, how about Equis considering special prices on data and upgrades for MS users with at least 10 years purchase history?
Loyalty to the markets pays off. How about Equis, will it reward its loyal customers?
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Dear Ed and John, Pick up a copy of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities. Look under the Traders Resource, You will see that there are more than one source of trading software packages! Many brokerages are now offering charting packages with several features that are not offered in Metastock, for free!!!
One of the features that Equis had was that they had a data feed that could be read by other software packages. That in itself, is a major factor! Maybe you don't have users buying your software , but they might be using your data feed!
For your Equis managers and software engineers, Take a good long hard look at the features that are offered by your competitors, both trading software and online brokerages and find a way to bring them into Metastock.
Look at the strengths of Metastock and expand on them , not contract the program into a useless shell of what it once was!
Look at the current state of computing, Windows 8 , Mac, IOS, Android, multi-core processing, Cloud computing, bring these features into Metastock.
Develope relationships with brokerages and integrate your software into their platforms, so that traders can enjoy a seamless transition and instant trade execution.
QUIT YOUR [censored]ING!
If Metastock is not working out for you, SWITCH to another program!
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henry1224 wrote:Dear Ed and John, Pick up a copy of Technical Analysis of Stocks and Commodities. Look under the Traders Resource, You will see that there are more than one source of trading software packages! Many brokerages are now offering charting packages with several features that are not offered in Metastock, for free!!!
One of the features that Equis had was that they had a data feed that could be read by other software packages. That in itself, is a major factor! Maybe you don't have users buying your software , but they might be using your data feed!
For your Equis managers and software engineers, Take a good long hard look at the features that are offered by your competitors, both trading software and online brokerages and find a way to bring them into Metastock.
Look at the strengths of Metastock and expand on them , not contract the program into a useless shell of what it once was!
Look at the current state of computing, Windows 8 , Mac, IOS, Android, multi-core processing, Cloud computing, bring these features into Metastock.
Develope relationships with brokerages and integrate your software into their platforms, so that traders can enjoy a seamless transition and instant trade execution.
QUIT YOUR [censored]ING!
If Metastock is not working out for you, SWITCH to another program!
Hello Henry,
I agree with every line you wrote. [:D]
As for me, I own a collection of TASC from 1995 - 2007 worth US$2,000 as you can see on the picture at http://s20.postimage.org/jt3lutw25/100_1012_s.jpg (pic avalable only for the next six months from today).
I am sure Equis staff does all their best to improve MS their way, but the missing genius of Steven B. Achellis, the founder, is sorely felt. [:'(]
I wish we could meet one day and exchange s.
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Why Metastock 12 cannot be updated without $25/mo ?
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