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#21 Posted : Sunday, February 20, 2011 3:52:26 PM(UTC)

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The MTF is copyright protected by Jose Silva, I won't divulge the code.download the free version of VST and try it yourself before you upgrade to the full version.

as for a trend filter, there are several types,trend advisor diamond phase,3 consecutive closes above a MA

2 MA types,RSI greater than 50 and so forth.

You can come up with your own trend filter, but without VST Pro you still will not be able to find the profit and risk between your systems
Anton Beijer  
#22 Posted : Monday, February 21, 2011 5:44:37 AM(UTC)
Anton Beijer

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Thank you for your answer. I have tried many trend filters single as well as in combination: not much succes up till now. The problem with copyright protected and black box system is off course you can't shift the first from the latter. I can sell a copyright protected based system that produces in all Metastock software fantastic results (as the pp:pivot and or :: modifie CC do) . As long as nobodies sees the code I can build in a secret ZIGZag function or build in optimization parameters that guarantee successes, but only when tested backwards.

My best profit risk system is looking ad randomly chosen stocks, test them together and look for the profit difference between buy and hold and my system, as well as the consistency of the average profit (not one stock making 10.000% profit and compensating in that way for many bleeders). Then I test for multiple periods with the same screening valuation conditions.

Only when it's stable, predictable (not necessarily on each individual Stock but I should be with large numbers) I would put down real money for real trading.

Most traders earn their money selling advises/software, giving lectures and write books. Would you do that if you could make enough money with a such good system that you could also go playing golf at the Bahama Islands in stead of selling software?

I am a skeptical and I started with buying Metastock 6.5 and I am now working with version 11. It was a good investment but more on the side of getting insight in the fundamentals of TA then making extra money.Still waiting for someone daring to put a working unprotected and open source system here thats beats my best effort until now.

So who dares to take this try?

#23 Posted : Monday, February 21, 2011 11:17:23 AM(UTC)

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The code for both VSTfree and VSTpro is open -- you can view it to your heart's content. Download link for VSTfree is here.

You can see the VSTpro trades here -- check it at week's end and follow/verify the trades yourself, as they occur.

Anton Beijer  
#24 Posted : Tuesday, February 22, 2011 5:43:12 AM(UTC)
Anton Beijer

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Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for these links. I downloaded and installed the add on saw the instruction video.

How do I "load" the VST with my system for (chart) comparison?


#25 Posted : Tuesday, February 22, 2011 1:18:57 PM(UTC)

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Anton, it's pretty simple -- apply template, modify indicator, refresh chart. After you've done it once correctly, you should be off to the races. Here's the details:

Load any chart or symbol, right-click for menu and left-click on "Apply template"; pick "Vst Custom Strategy.mwt". If you don't have that template -- if only "Vst.mwt" is listed -- then download the Custom Strategy addon here and install it.

Once the template is applied, just replace the sample code with your stuff:

entry:= {<-- Do not change entry parameter name}

exit:= {<-- Do not change exit parameter name}

Do this by double-clicking on the indicator in the 2nd from the top window, labeled "VST Custom Strategy", then click on the FORMULA tab. Replace the sample code with the above.

BE CAREFUL NOT TO OVERWRITE OTHER CODE. Only change between these two comments:

{*** Place your custom strategy code below ***} Between here...

...your code here...(see above)

{Display - signals must be +1/-1 format} ...and here.

Always nice to have something to compare to, to see if you got it right, so here you go...

Below is your system in VSTfree:

Below is your system in VSTpro:

Some additional details/info from the VST blog.

#26 Posted : Tuesday, February 22, 2011 4:01:59 PM(UTC)

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Johnathan, that was easy, 1 member down another 11770 to go.
#27 Posted : Wednesday, February 23, 2011 11:21:45 AM(UTC)

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It will probably keep him busy for awhile -- be interesting to see his comments, if he reports back after playtime.

Anton Beijer  
#28 Posted : Thursday, February 24, 2011 12:47:13 PM(UTC)
Anton Beijer

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Thanks, got things working. Excellent advice.

Give a nice view of the adagio "let your profits run and cut your losses"

Anton Beijer  
#29 Posted : Thursday, February 24, 2011 1:07:55 PM(UTC)
Anton Beijer

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Let's assume: you get in or start at the worst moment: just before the top around 30,000. The Hang Sang collapses with 60%, my system never loses more then 25%. The Hang Sang has lost at the end still about 25% but my system still shows a small profit.

At least as compared with buy and hold, it's more profitable.

Notice the relative low number of transactions. And keep in mind that in the longer "out of the market" periods probably also a few % interest could be added.

But I will take my hat off for anyone who has another system that is more profitable in any circumstance to be tested.

#30 Posted : Thursday, February 24, 2011 6:59:43 PM(UTC)

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Hi Guys, New to the forum, fairly new to MetaStock, not so new to trading. Reading this thread and others it strikes me how much focus there is to finding a back-tested system that leaves no room for the trader's judgment at the actual time of making a trade. Personally, I believe that a system like what is discussed here could and would have real potential if combined with classic "tape-reading", that slippery part of trading that cannot be solved by mathematics. They say trading is an art and a science. So far this discussion only includes science, which can be shared with formulas and back-tested with computers. Add some of the art to it and I think you will do really well.
#31 Posted : Thursday, February 24, 2011 8:01:38 PM(UTC)

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It looks like you're "Cherry-picking" timeframes...

With 3000 periods (12 years), it shows ~70% max risk and a P/R of 0.5 to 1.

>>But I will take my hat off for anyone who has another system that is more profitable in any circumstance to be tested.

Reset your "Load options", then try some of the VST signals under "Entry/Exit suggestions", like 6/1.

Anton Beijer  
#32 Posted : Friday, February 25, 2011 4:07:49 PM(UTC)
Anton Beijer

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The say something to the cherry picking: I tested the system for all time frames X=450 X+100 on all 25 stocks of the Amsterdam Stock Exchange (AEX) over 15 years and compared it to the same situation for buy and hold. You see it's a risk improving system because there are no portfolio loss moments/positions for the HHV based system where they are present in several buy and hold periods. I agree: the upswing of the markets last year might hide a negative situation that could have been present if this calculation for the HHV system was made a year ago. But the same distances with buy and hold would remain. The same effect is interfering with the last 450 periods: the buy and hold profits are already running while with the long 70 day average the HHV system comes into trading later.
("gemiddeld" in the last column means average in Dutch (average for all simulated periods)

Not unimportant: Do you have a hint how I can compare the VST the same way on the same stocks in the system tester recommended with your 6/1 parameters? I would be a nice test to compare systems this way.

Statistics never master the human mind? Casino's are sitting full with people trying to beat the roulette table statistics with what they call art and "fingerspitzengefühl" . They end up all with losses in the long end.
But regarding statistics AND profit/risk management: everyone playing on red or black has a 100% loss risk and a 50% P/L risk. As long as the zero on the roulette means both black and red bets get lost, it's a bad system for the players and a good system for the casinobank. But with the same profit risk for red and black AND the new rule if the ball hits zero: black and red bets are both winners, everybody with enough stamina will leave the casino rich. So it's not only risk but also the consistency and predictability of a system in every economic situation that matters most !. For testing that you need statistics on multiple stocks, multiple stock exchances and multiple periods. So risk management is very good, but not the end of the story. The proof of every pudding remains the eating, computers can help to do the cooking, eating and tasting on a large scale.
#33 Posted : Saturday, February 26, 2011 12:22:04 AM(UTC)

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Anton -- You have me a bit confused...

1. First, I don't quite understand the reasoning behind your system:

exit:= Mo(Mov(HHV(C,21),70,E),10)<100;

It looks the rate of change in an average of the highest monthly closes over the past quarter -- is that right?

2. Your spreadsheet appears to hold test results for different lengths of time.

--Are these percentages (%)?

--Why the different durations -- was this some kind of "walk-forward" testing? But, if you're testing for 15 years, that should be close to 4000 bars...not sure what you're trying to accomplish here.

3. Testing

-- System Tester: It might be better if you didn't use this at all. Among other things, it makes unrealistic assumptions (like betting all capital on each stock); most systems (including yours) show a high percent of winners.

--VSTpro has a chart-viewable, customizable Exploration which returns a sortable list of P/R ratios, which you can then copy over to Excel to compare Median P/R's between systems/variations. See this page, about 2/3's of the way down. (Note: VSTfree has no built-in Explorations.)

--FWIW, I ran a Standard and a Monte Carlo analysis of your system under TradeSim on the S&P 500. Both had drawdowns of ~50%; Monte Carlo analysis showed an ~80% probability of loss.

Anton Beijer  
#34 Posted : Saturday, February 26, 2011 4:11:27 AM(UTC)
Anton Beijer

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I am a buy and hold investor, looking for some way's to improve the results, without having to act like a day trader 5 days a week 52 weeks a year. I am still working and also like my vacations. Technical analysis claims to be able to recognize patterns. I like to try out most things in live and keep the best. Many standard systems in Metastock become unprofitable by too much trading in sideway moving markings or heavy short term movements. The trend is your friend and a trend is defined by higher highs. See for that the HHV in the formula.

To get a picture of a trend you need something like a moving average of those HHV's.

To get a picture if the trend is going up or going down you need something like a momentum indicator or a slope of a line indicator. The momentum indicator proved better.

Voilà !


These are the gains the system tester returns as a % of the original investment per stock. Suppose you have $ 25.000, I spread the investment in a max investment of $1000 dollar per company as soon as the system generates a buy signal. The money that is not yet into the market or is temporarily out of the market (with profit) is supposed to provide an average interest of 3%. Entry and exit are against next day opening prices. No stops because these seldom leverage the results in the Metastock system tester.

The different durations are chosen to see if the situation of the market at the moment of starting up the system could be influencing the system results severely. (you know what's behind you but not what's in front of you when you decides to enter the market, isn't it?) . 15 years is completely voluntarily chosen. From most stocks I have data for at least 3000-3500 periods i.e. to be precise (you are right 12-14 years only) but should comprise 1-2 economic cycles and be able to provide some representative view of reality. The system tester (buggy [censored]as it is) refuses often to accept specified date to date span but will always work on last [censored] periods.

Anton Beijer  
#35 Posted : Saturday, February 26, 2011 6:22:41 AM(UTC)
Anton Beijer

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Ad3. See above. The strange thing is: of all standard Metastock incorporated trade systems there are only two systems that prove to be consistently better then buy and hold (why trying to trade if leaning back is more profitable then trading and with less efforts ???). Both pp: systems are black box systems (code protected) ie. PP:: CCI modified is always making a fortune: ok you need 860 trades in 1900 periods. Sometime you seem to be able to make profitable daily trades (in-out) and that every day up to 10 days on a row! This makes me suspicious that this can't be true. There must be some form of cheating involved. (You also won't be able to cash or enter at the projected exit and entry prices every time. 860 times 2 a 0.5% difference/spread and .... everything is gone) ) So these standard added Metastock systems are laborious, hazardous and in my point of view unbelievable (black box) systems. The same for the pp: pivot rotation system but in a lesser extend. All other systems don't keep consistently up with buy and hold.

I like transparent systems (open code) and the big advantage of the VST is that you can check visually that the profits are probably believable true. Chapeau!

The problem with the chart view profit/risk system in VST that you mention is, that I have to run it for every 25 stocks separately by hand. Then average those results for 25 stocks per period by hand, and then also do that for every +100 time period. I don't hate working but you can overdo! Thats the advantage of a good automated computer program: it should do the dumb work for you! :-) But I will look deeper into your remarks about this with VST.

I will also look into your remarks on the risks, because they are not unimportant but as I said: it's not only the odds but also the reliability of those odds tested on a large scale.

Completely off topic: There are also casino systems for only black and only red bets: start with a bet X and if you lose make a new bet with 2X which compensates the previous losses. If you lose, make a new bet of 2x2xX until you win. And start then over again. You should leave the casino after a last win. Sounds nice does it? This seems a profitable system and beat out the luck factor until you realise that the 0 with all bets going to the bank makes it an unreliable system and puts back in all risks again. (your position might be at that moment 2x2x2x2x2x2xX). Also the assumption that your chances are 50% - 50% is unvalid. It's in reality (18/36)*(36/37)% which boils down to roughly 47,5 % for you and 52.4% for the bank. If you play long enough you will most predictably finally meet the 1 in a million chance of getting 10 blacks in a row and this situation will exceed your x-10th financial budget if the zero did not do this before in such a critical position.

But I will have a look at your Monte Carlo and standard analysis suggestion. Interesting thread and good quality discussion!

Anton Beijer  
#36 Posted : Saturday, February 26, 2011 7:24:48 AM(UTC)
Anton Beijer

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With this copy and paste work I think I made a system tester simulating the VST system. Change the entry block for the exit block and you have the exit signal. Replace the 6 in in=6 by opt1 (define as begin 6 to end 6, step1) and the same for ex= with opt2 but then with 1 and you can compare the average of all tested stocks in one glance. If you create in the systemtester a system with C>opt1 as buying system and define opt1 here as 0, you can quickly see in one glance the buy and hold result of the same group of stock in a separate system run with te same parameters/time period. If you define the opt's above from 1 to 6 you can optimize for all situations. It does not score extremely very well overall with the fixed parameters 6 and 1. I don't know if that's the reason why the system isn't incorporated in the Metastock system tester but .....

{User inputs}


{Volatility bands}


{Raw signals}


Exit block


#37 Posted : Saturday, February 26, 2011 10:56:44 AM(UTC)

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Hello again. Anton. My purpose was not do abuse all use of mathematics or statistics. I consider this one side of a coin, and exactly that. The likeness to a casino is one I cannot agree with. The reasoning concerning the roulette I understand completely, and agree with. But in my opinion, trading is not to be compared to a casino. Human actions and mindsets do not control what number comes up at the roulette. Just taking a quick look at one of the graphs you pasted (don't know how to copy and paste that here yet) I can tell that the first two buys are unwise. The one near the top of the bull, and the one near the top of the upwards correction. Both these trades fail in your system and create a loss. If you remove those two, what effect would that have on you profit and loss? There are most likely more such trades, but just looking at the graph on your post at "02-24-2011, 13:07" they are visible right off. Even though robots trade the markets, humans program the robots. You have friends whose actions you could predict better than back-tested statistical systems of the last 15 years. Perhaps not exactly what this friend would do, but what they would likely do, and perhaps even more to the point, what they would not do. People change, so do markets. I do not dismiss your system. I am putting forward the idea that combined with a different aspect of trading, it could be better. I trade using pure price action and one moving average. I have stopped using all other oscillators and studies. I place my trades when the market is closed, and do so every day by trading the dailies in Swedish stocks. If I change to weeklies, which I also trade, I need to to this once a week during the weekend. And I do alright. So it can be done. Have to go, got company. Will write again. I think we can have a very constructive discussion. Best regards
Anton Beijer  
#38 Posted : Saturday, February 26, 2011 12:29:45 PM(UTC)
Anton Beijer

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To prevent misunderstandings: my system is only an example to provoke a discussion and to challenge people to come up with something better, if they have or if it is existing.

Secondly: of course it's not wise the enter at the top on the market. The trick is only: if I showed you the same graph the first time with all of the graph right of the entry date hidden : no one would be able to tell me if a continuation bull market pattern will follow post entry or a bear market or a side ways moving market. Highs and Lows can only be defined afterwards because new data make it a permanent high or a permanent low, not the figure on that day on it's own. I selected this entry moment on purpose as a worst case scenario example to prevent dismissals for doing cherry picking..

People's nature does not change. Greed and fear are still the same as it was around the Dutch Tulip mania bubble around 1650 , the subject changes (IT technology 2001 or Emerging markets nowadays ?) but the mechanism of human nature and exaggerating fear and greed reactions to unexpected events is off all times. As these events are. Don't you agree? That why people are looking for methods that keep the emotion out and just make money following the herd, but jump of on time.

#39 Posted : Sunday, February 27, 2011 7:21:05 AM(UTC)

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Hello again. You write "no one would be able to tell me if a continuation bull market pattern will follow post entry or a bear market or a side ways moving market" concerning the top for Hang Seng that I made a comment on (and in general of course). Well, actually, you could be quite sure that a continuation bull market pattern would not follow at the time of that entry. Whether a bear market or sideways trend would follow is harder, but since you only go long here that that would not matter to you. I tried to insert an image here to show why but I did not succeed. How do I paste a graph here? I will try to write it instead. On the weekly of the Hang Seng during 2007 you have a bull trend with the angle of the trendline increasing constantly. In March you have a small test of the EMA20 but no break of a major trendline. This however is a small warning, not to go short, but to be on the lookout for further warnings. In August, which is on your chart I commented on earlier, there is a proper break of a major trendline as well as the EMA20. Again, this does not signal to go short, it is even a buy signal. However, now is the time to start looking for a really good looking reversal as a double top/higher high/lower high. Lets call this Setup A. No such signal appears until a doji at the first week of October. A doji as a reversal is a weak one, and this one is not hit since I would go short a few ticks below it. Three weeks later there is a climactic outside bar immediately followed by an absolutely perfect reversal bar. The slop of the bull during these last months has been every increasing to an angle that basically always result in a proper correction. At this point going long is absolutely out of the question in my world. And I would go short. Here your system goes long. There might be a sideways market but that too would be okay, for I would grab half my profits after a two-legged correction or at the EMA. The rest I would keep with a stop-loss at breakeven. The market then comes back up again after hitting the EMA20 - where I would have sold half my position. During the first weeks of December another excellent reversal bar is formed which can be used to add to the existing short position (or not). My stop would not have been even close to getting hit. Then the market comes back down again until March 2008. Then it starts back up. At this point the market is a bear market. When it comes back up again it breaks through a major bear trendline and the EMA20 at the end of April. This move is the same as Setup A above. It is not a time to go long, it is even a sell signal. Here again your system goes long. It is also a time to be on the lookout to go long with the same kind of setup that followed that previous Setup A. There actually is such a setup that fails in July and creates a failed reversal at the EMA20. But lets be clear. I am not trying to force you to a certain point of view. If you believe that pure numbers is how you best like to trade you go for it. At no point have I said that your approach is useless since it is no such thing. If you want to dismiss a different kind of trading than your systems out of hand then you should do that. But consider this. We all need an edge. What do people interested in trading spend most time doing? Just look at this forum. They spend it looking for the basically automated system that "keep the emotion out". This is a crowded part of trading the markets. Thousands and thousands spend countless hours looking for these formulas. You compete with private persons, with banks, hedge funds and what not. How many of these thousands of people spend even a fraction of their time experiencing the markets, learning to read charts and not just programming formulas to test? All I am saying is here is a suggestion that if you do both, then you might really have an edge. That is my belief, it need not be yours. But think about it. Greed and fear as instincts stay the same, there I agree. But how the markets behave, how fast they move and for how long etc, that does change. If they did not, we would all have had the perfect automated system a long time ago.
#40 Posted : Sunday, February 27, 2011 9:32:16 AM(UTC)

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>>I tried to insert an image here to show why but I did not succeed. How do I paste a graph here?

I've been using IMGUR.com -- upload an image, then copy & paste the IMG link for "Message Boards".

Unless someone has a better idea?

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