Henry -- Your middle chart is what bugs me -- Anton's system w/MTF. It doesn't show profit, other than a very small amount in 2000 & 2001. Look at the posted chart.
But, adding the MTF should IMPROVE things, but the middle chart is WORSE than the bottom one -- it shows cumulative loss!
FWIW, I get the same results for your code or Anton's, when used without MTF, but there is a significant difference between them when MTF is active. Both however, show profit, as opposed to the loss in your middle chart, below.
VSTmod-L01 - Momentum - Anton
entry:= {<-- Do not change entry parameter name}
exit:= {<-- Do not change exit parameter name}
{ ----- *** End of user-edit section *** ----- }

VSTmod-L02 - Momentum - Henry
{* User inputs *}
pds1:=Input("HHV periods",1,260,21);
pds2:=Input("MA periods",1,260,70);
pds3:=Input("MO periods",1,260,10);
Sig:=If( Mo(Mov(HHV(C,pds1),pds2,E),pds3)>100,1,
rev:=Input("Reverse trade signals? [1]Yes [0]No",0,1,0);
{* Entry conditions *}
entry:= {<- Do not change entry parameter name}
Sig=1 AND Ref(Sig,-1)<>1;
{* Exit conditions *}
exit:= {<- Do not change exit parameter name}
Sig<>1 AND Ref(Sig,-1)=1;
{ -------- End of user-edit section -------- }