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Hi folks,
I daily run an exploration on a favorite portfolio consisting of 43 securities.
Each tab does contain a specific information, namely Close for ColA, 1-d RoC for ColB, RSI for ColC, and so on. It's a quite simple task!
To made this boring task a little more time&brain consuming [:)] I created different indicators for each security, showing a particular kind of relative performance. So in the Indicator menu, I created a "Alpha Indicator" for security Alpha, a "Beta indicator" for security Beta, and so on for all 43 securities listed in the exploration.
The problem, as you may realize, is that I cannot insert a unique indicator in the new column. I should insert 43 different indicators, but I wonder if in the exploration report the column will show each indicator value. At last, the exploration report should contain all the closes, the 1-d RoCs, the RSIs and the indicators for each of the 43 securities shown.
May you be of any help?
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Without seeing your specific individual indicators it is hard to say for sure that you can do what you are seeking. I would say that it is highly probable though.
Think of each indicator as a binary value. The users manual has an excellant discussion on this and you may wish to refer to it for some ideas.
I would also advise that you refer to some of the explorations that are supplied by Equis in the software. Become familiar with how they work and are derived. It should give you some good ideas.
Hope this helps,
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Thanks: 6 times
Hi Preston,
maybe I was unhappy in explaining my trouble.
Each folder of an exploration does cointain a specific function or indicator: so I put close in colA, roc(c,1,%) in colB, rsi(14) in colC. That's a simple task, 'cause I am looking for an indicator value for all the securities involved. Instead, in the D column I am looking for a different indicator for each security. Let's suppose I want a mov(c,13,s) for the first security included in the among those added to the exploration, mov(c,5,e) for the second one, mov(c,18,w) for the third one, and so on, until the 43th security.
I suppose it's not possibile to include 43 different indicators in one column, though it would be fine for my purposes.
I repeat: finally the exploration report would show for the 43 securities involved, all the yesterday closes, all the % variation, all the 14-d RSIs, and all the 43 different indicators I choosed.
Do you retain is it possible?
Rank: Advanced Member
Groups: Registered, Registered Users, Subscribers Joined: 10/28/2004(UTC) Posts: 110
You have 3 columns left.
The problem is how would you know that the indicator was the value for that security? It will need to be defined in the indicator. You would not be able to simply say mov(c,13,s). What if you used the security function... security("SYMBOL",DATA ARRAY)
Something like
A2:= security("BETA SYMBOL",DATA ARRAY);
Space may be a limitation but you will have 3 columns and honestly I think you will be okay. The trick will be to make sure that you have the right number of ifs to the number of open and close parenthesises.
Hope this helps,
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