I doubt it had anything to do with the specific exploration per se, because when I repeated the exploration, on the same stocks, none were rejectd.
Must be one of those weird metastock things that are always turning up!
It sure would be nice to know in general what a strange message error like that might mean tho.
Thanks anyway, Geo
The below is the exploration.
spy:= ExtFml( "FORUM.Sum",Mov(Fml("spx"),5,S)> ExtFml( "Xtend.Xtend", Mov(Fml("spx"),45,S)) AND Mov(Fml("spx"),5,S)>Ref(Mov(Fml("spx"),7,S),-5) AND ROC( ExtFml( "Xtend.Xtend",Mov(Fml("spx"),37,E) ) ,1,%)>0 , 1) ;
LongEntryTRIGGER:= ExtFml( "Xtend.Xtend",
Mov(VOLUME,15,S)*Mov(C,15,S)<620000 AND
Fml("buyetf") AND
spy AND
Fml("volhealthy")>0 AND
Mov(VOLUME,15,S)*Mov(C,15,S)>25000 AND C>3.3 AND ROC(Fml("Q trendehler3"),1,%)>0
AND Fml("Q trendehler3")>.3 AND
ROC(Fml("pvtorig(2)"),1,%)>0) ;
ExtFml( "Xtend.Xtend", If(longentrytrigger,
ExtFml( "Xtend.Xtend", Fml("URSC-us auto ig indexvol")>0),0)) ;