The July 2007 TASC has an article called "Between Price and Volume", by Buff Dormeier CMT,
on page 21. The MS code for the VPCI(Volume Price Confirmation Indicator) was on page 75.
I plotted it on some of the charts used in the article. The resulting plot(s) didn't look the same
as the chart on pg 74(AA, daily). (I had to use a magnifying glass to see that!!) The chart in
fig. 4, on pg 26, for TM (weekly) also looked different than was I was seeing with the MS code
from pg 75.
{Volume Price Confirmation Indicator - Buff Dormeier - July 2007 75}
x:= Input("long term periods", 30,200,50);
y:= Input("short term periods", 5,30,10);
(Mov(C,x,VOL) - Mov(C,x,S))* (Mov(C,y,VOL)/Mov(C,y,S))* (Mov(V,y,S)/Mov(V,x,S))
So, I decided to see if I could get something closer, as least to my eye.
Here is what I came up with, which I think is very close to the chart on pg 74 and fig 4, on pg 26.
{Volume Price Confirmation Indicator - Buff Dormeier - July 2007 TASC, adapted by gruvtune
from TASC TS code, pg 74 }
p1:= Input("Short Term Periods", 3,30,5);
p2:= Input("Long Term Periods", 10,200,20);
SmthLgth:= Input("SmthLgth",5,200,20);
VolSum1:= Sum(V, p1);
VWMA1:= Sum(C * V, p1)/VolSum1;
VolSum2:= Sum(V, p2);
VWMA2:= Sum(C * V, p2)/VolSum2;
VP:= VWMA2 - Mov(C,p2,S);
VPR:= VWMA1/Mov(L,p1,S);
VM:= Mov(V,p1,S)/ Mov(V,p2,S);
AvgVPCI:= Mov(VPCI,SmthLgth,S);
I make no claims for the usefulness of this indicator, just noticed something was different.
Also plotted on intraday ES and ER2 bars. MS didn't complain.