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#1 Posted : Tuesday, February 20, 2007 10:53:23 AM(UTC)

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Does anybody have a Exploration formula for the following scans.

Stock Break-outs from 20 Day + bases into All Time High, also high volume.

Regards, Frank Koenig Trade Like a Pro Trend is your Friend
#2 Posted : Wednesday, February 21, 2007 10:53:47 PM(UTC)

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It all depends on how you define terms like "base" and "high volume".

Remember, computers cannot interpret what you think you mean, they can only follow explicit instructions; programmers are a lot like computers!

You need to provide more information and be extremely clear about what you are asking for.

wabbit [:D]

#3 Posted : Thursday, February 22, 2007 11:21:40 AM(UTC)

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Thank you for your response to my post.

What I want to do everyday scan for stocks that are breaking out on a 20 days and all time high stock price. I would like to stick with stocks high priced and very liquid stocks

Would the formula be like this in the part where I want to stick with high priced and very liquid stocks?

Col A Close

Col B RSI (close,60)

Col C Volume

Filter: cola >25 and cola >60 and colc > 1000

How would I get a 20 Day beakout?

Thank you


Regards, Frank Koenig Trade Like a Pro Trend is your Friend
#4 Posted : Thursday, February 22, 2007 5:28:58 PM(UTC)

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You will benefit greatly from reading the MS Users Manual for the creation of your own explorations, then download the free Equis Formula Primer (from the files section) to hone your MetaStock Formula Language programming skills. Both of these are free and will cost you nothing but some of your time.

If you don't want to learn to do the basics yourself, please consider hiring a programmer to help you out: It is not the purpose of the forum to do all the work for you, the forum is to assist people who are having trouble implementing their ideas in MS, but have made some genuine attempt to do so.

You need to look very closely at your logic, for example in your code above you have, "cola >25 and cola >60 and colc > 1000" which says, in English, "look for stocks with a close price above 25 dollars and a close price above 60 dollars and volume above 1000 shares traded." If the close is above 60 then it is also above 25 so the c>25 is redundant; if the price is greater than 25 but less than 60 the filter will reject the stock which may lead to confusion.

Your logic for, "20 days and all time high stock price" is also confusing. If a stock is making an all time high stock proe, then it must also be the highest price in the last twenty bars. If you mean to find a stock which has had a new all time high in the last twenty bars, then you have not asked for this.

I reiterate, "Remember, computers cannot interpret what you think you mean, they can only follow explicit instructions; programmers are a lot like computers!"

wabbit [:D]

#5 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2007 8:07:54 AM(UTC)

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I read the MS manual and the Formula Primer to me it's kind of confusing, I read it over and over. Some part make sense but others get me tatal confused.

Here is a link explaining what I am trying to do. This is a email I received from Mark Crisp who is a Momentum Trader @ stressfree trading.

I would like to create a Exploration Stock Scan. Maybe this can explain more what I would like to do.

This is from Mark Crisp:

I wrote this report please do take a look: (give it a minute or so to open it’s a PDF report. You can download it and give it away, tell others etc..) Thank you


If you can take a look at this I really appreciate this. I know there is no Holy Grail. But this one sounds good


Regards, Frank Koenig Trade Like a Pro Trend is your Friend
#6 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2007 9:02:35 AM(UTC)

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The PDF article's trading "strategy" can be summarized in this way: Entry: 20-day breakout on high Volume. Exit: "...practice good money management by cutting those losers quickly and letting the winners run." i.e., no practical and definite exit offered. Result: Loss of capital - guaranteed on the long term. jose '-)
#7 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2007 10:21:18 PM(UTC)

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hey nasdaq.... you might be able to use the linregslope function or perhaps the pricechannelhigh(periods) and pricechannellow(periods) to determine the base....

the code below is a quick and rough idea of breakout exploration, with plenty of room for improvement......

===========================Exploration notes

Col A: base

( LinRegSlope(C , 20) )> -.002 AND (LinRegSlope(C ,
20) < .002)

Col B: volume


Col C: highest

a:=HHV(H ,20);
C> Ref(a,-1)

Filter colA AND colB AND colC

Filter enabled Yes
Periodicity Daily
Records required 500



someone did a lot of research on breakouts and their research determined most breakouts fail.... can't remember who did the research but it was a legitimate group.... as an example, here is a channel breakout system ...... put those rules, the ones in that link, in the system tester and test the entire nasdaq 100..... after you see the results , switch the buys with the sells as i have in the next post below here.... trade counter to that system, sell on the breakout rather than buy..... which system preforms better.....h


10 Day Channel Breakout

The 10-Day Channel Breakout looks for a breakout from a 10 day high or low If a breakout occurs, you enter in the direction of the breakout and hold the position until the first day that the direction changes.

Enter Long
When the high price exceed the highest high value during the previous ten periods.

Close Long
When the high price fails to set a new 10 day high

Enter Short
When the low price fails below the lowest low value during the previous ten periods.

Close Short
When the low price fails to set a new 10 day low.

Click here to see test results
Results using total equity of $100,000
100 shares traded per signal
DJIA 2000 periods prior to 4/4/03

Code for Metastock users:

State:=If(Cum(1)=1,0,If(EL,1,If(ES,-1,If((CL AND PREV=1) OR (CS AND PREV=-1),0,PREV))));


Close Long

State:=If(Cum(1)=1,0,If(EL,1,If(ES,-1,If((CL AND PREV=1) OR (CS AND PREV=-1),0,PREV))));

State=0 OR State=-1


State:=If(Cum(1)=1,0,If(EL,1,If(ES,-1,If((CL AND PREV=1) OR (CS AND PREV=-1),0,PREV))));


Close Short

State:=If(Cum(1)=1,0,If(EL,1,If(ES,-1,If((CL AND PREV=1) OR (CS AND PREV=-1),0,PREV))));

State=0 OR State=1


#8 Posted : Friday, February 23, 2007 10:28:33 PM(UTC)

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now here is that same system from the article but with the buys and sells swapped ........ and the short and buy to cover swapped ..... so we are trading counter to the breakout...... and of course i'm not reccomending we trade either way.....h


Buy Order Order Type Market Order Expiration Good Until Cancelled Entry Size Method Use Default Size Signal Formula EL:=H>Ref(HHV(H,10),-1); CL:=Ref(H>Ref(HHV(H,10),-1),-1); ES:=L<Ref(LLV(L,10),-1); CS:=Ref(L<Ref(LLV(L,10),-1),-1); State:=If(Cum(1)=1,0,If(EL,1,If(ES,-1,If((CL AND PREV=1) OR (CS AND PREV=-1),0,PREV)))); State=0 OR State=-1 Price Formula Entry Size Formula Strategic Delay Tick Minute Day # of Bars 0 0 0

Sell Short Order Order Type Market Order Expiration Good Until Cancelled Entry Size Method Use Default Size Signal Formula EL:=H>Ref(HHV(H,10),-1); CL:=Ref(H>Ref(HHV(H,10),-1),-1); ES:=L<Ref(LLV(L,10),-1); CS:=Ref(L<Ref(LLV(L,10),-1),-1); State:=If(Cum(1)=1,0,If(EL,1,If(ES,-1,If((CL AND PREV=1) OR (CS AND PREV=-1),0,PREV)))); State=0 OR State=1 Price Formula Entry Size Formula Strategic Delay Tick Minute Day # of Bars 0 0 0 Sell Order Order Type Market Order Expiration Good Until Cancelled Signal Formula EL:=H>Ref(HHV(H,10),-1); CL:=Ref(H>Ref(HHV(H,10),-1),-1); ES:=L<Ref(LLV(L,10),-1); CS:=Ref(L<Ref(LLV(L,10),-1),-1); State:=If(Cum(1)=1,0,If(EL,1,If(ES,-1,If((CL AND PREV=1) OR (CS AND PREV=-1),0,PREV)))); State=1 Price Formula Strategic Delay Tick Minute Day # of Bars 0 0 0 Buy to Cover Order Order Type Market Order Expiration Good Until Cancelled Signal Formula EL:=H>Ref(HHV(H,10),-1); CL:=Ref(H>Ref(HHV(H,10),-1),-1); ES:=L<Ref(LLV(L,10),-1); CS:=Ref(L<Ref(LLV(L,10),-1),-1); State:=If(Cum(1)=1,0,If(EL,1,If(ES,-1,If((CL AND PREV=1) OR (CS AND PREV=-1),0,PREV)))); State=-1


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