If the Trade Equity indicators don’t or can’t do what you want then it probably can’t be done with the currently available MetaStock tools. I recommend Trade Equity GV LE. True, there’s a learning curve but with the tools and all support being free it’s probably worth a little effort on your part.
The default plot is dollar gross profit or loss. In all 22 other display options are currently available for the Long Equal (LE) version. See below for all display options.
Dollar gross profit or loss
Dollar net profit or loss - excludes initial capital
Dollar equity gain or loss per trade
Percent equity gain or loss per trade
Dollar gain from winning trades
Dollar loss from losing trades
Number of winning trades
Number of losing trades
A trade is currently active
The Number of bars in each trade
The total bars in all trades
The maximum favorable excursion
The maximum adverse excursion
Percent gross profit or loss
The maximum dollar risk per trade
The maximum percent risk per trade
The maximum dollar risk across all trades
The maximum percent risk across all trades
Dollar cost of last position entered (whole shares mode)
Dollar return at years end
Percent return at years end
Dollar return at current-date end-of-year
Percent return at current-date end-of-year
Apart from the on-chart display options there is also 4 explorations (2 for MS 10 in the near future) and an Excel macro that combine to give a different perspective on system performance than that available from the Enhanced System Tester.
Trade Equity tools also allow the plotting of a portfolio equity curve (conditional on data validity) on a valid security or index chart. The upcoming issue of MetaStock Tips & Tools will include tools for finding missing data bars to further enhance portfolio equity curve capability. It will also spell out how to use these same tools to generate a portfolio equity curve from a qualifying system run in the Enhanced System Tester.
The most recent versions of TE tools might not always be found on the web but they can be obtained by writing directly to me at .
MetaStock Tips & Tools