hey mike.... yes mine works.... exploration returned that day new valid signals..... your probably not using a filter and those 6 not returned probaly have a msx dll error, data not available or something like that...
to reduce the results down to minimun filter like, cola or colb or colc or cold , and to get just the new signals , filter just for , colc or cold.....
but you know whats really wierd.... my mama fama exploration now returns proper new day signals even without my added columns.... and before mine listed all just like yours..... now i can't get it to not work no matter what.....
possibly i was looking at the act mama fama (no noise) exploration before...?????.. really confused now...
anyway, the extra codes for new signals on the no noise varity are added below.... the new buys will be in column c and new sells will be in colunm d..... h
Exploration notes A trend following strategy based on the crossover of
MAMA and FAMA (no noise).
Col A: Long
periods2:= ExtFml( "ADSI.CyclePeriod",MP() ,.07 ,.1
,1.1 );
x:=ExtFml( "ADSI.MAMA_Cyber", MP(), .5, .05);
Signal := x - y;
SN := ExtFml( "ADSI.SNR",MP() ,periods2 ,.33);
Signal>0 AND SN > 9;
Col B: Short
periods2:= ExtFml( "ADSI.CyclePeriod",MP() ,.07 ,.1
,1.1 );
x:=ExtFml( "ADSI.MAMA_Cyber", MP(), .5, .05);
Signal := x - y;
SN := ExtFml( "ADSI.SNR",MP() ,periods2 ,.33);
Col C: new buy
periods2:= ExtFml( "ADSI.CyclePeriod",MP() ,.07 ,.1
,1.1 );
x:=ExtFml( "ADSI.MAMA_Cyber", MP(), .5, .05);
Signal := x - y;
SN := ExtFml( "ADSI.SNR",MP() ,periods2 ,.33);
a:=Signal>0 AND SN > 9;
a=1 AND Ref(a,-1)=0;
Col D: new sell
periods2:= ExtFml( "ADSI.CyclePeriod",MP() ,.07 ,.1
,1.1 );
x:=ExtFml( "ADSI.MAMA_Cyber", MP(), .5, .05);
Signal := x - y;
SN := ExtFml( "ADSI.SNR",MP() ,periods2 ,.33);
Signal<0 AND Ref(signal,-1)>0;
Filter colA OR colB OR colC OR colD
Filter enabled Yes
Periodicity Daily
Records required 2000