Master Wabbit,
Thank you very much and sorry for causing you a headache but my problem is still exist.
If take a look at my code, you will see my challenge. Your code an my one should be integrated to get an entry rule dependent stoploss.
Thanks for any new idea
Wabbit's code for latching
If(PREV=0, {if no trade is open}
If( N, CLOSE, 0), {if no trade is open and the entry condition is met
then store the CLOSE price, otherwise indicate 0}
{ Exit Conditions }
,0 {if a trade is open and Exit condition is met then
exit (indicate 0)}
My standalone Chandelier-YoYO Stop from a given date
EntYR:= Input("Year",1980,2006,2006);
EntDY:= Input("Day",1,31,14);
EntLong:= Year()=EntYR AND Month()=EntMTH AND DayOfMonth()=EntDY;
Entryfulldate := (EntYR)+(EntMTH/12)+(EntDY/365);
Fulldate := Year()+Month()/12+DayOfMonth()/365;
Entry:= Entryfulldate <= Fulldate;
EntryPrice:= ValueWhen(1, EntLong, C);
AvgTR:= Mov( ATR(1),10,E );
Mplier:= If( C=EntryPrice, 2,
If( C < EntryPrice + 4*AvgTR, 3.5,
If( C < EntryPrice + 6*AvgTR, 3,
If( C >= EntryPrice + 6*AvgTR, 2.5,
HV:= Highest(ValueWhen( 1, Entry, H ));
HCV:=Highest(ValueWhen( 1, Entry, C ));
{Chandelier Exit}
DifferenceH:= Ref(HV - Mplier*AvgTR,0);
StopLossH:= Highest(ValueWhen(1, Entry, DifferenceH));
{YOYO exit}
DifferenceC:= Ref(HCV - 2.5*AvgTR,0);
StopLossC:= Highest(ValueWhen(1, Entry, DifferenceC));
{Selecting the stronger stop}
StopLoss:= Max( StoplossH, StoplossC );
{Binary Latch}
StopActivated:= (C < StopLoss);
State:= If( StopActivated, 1, PREV);
DrawnStopLoss:=If( State=0, Stoploss, PREV);