kanellop, you seem to be looking for a HHV that is 10% higher than a previous HHV correct?
If so maybe something like HHV(H, 60) > 1.1*Ref(HHV(H, 20), -20) is what you're looking for. Not exactly what you requested but maybe you can modify it to suit your purposes.
Weird I think I may have had a problem similar to yours but I'm not sure. It may help you to realize the formula BarsSince(HHV(H, 20=H) does not necessarily give you a value under 20.
I was looking for what I thought was BarsSince(HHV(H, 10)=H) but was getting values over 10. The way around that I found was to code this:
[code:1:7837b019a2]{If HHV(H, 10) = H of bar in last 10 days returns number of days back statement is most recently true else 999}
If(HHV(H, 10)=H, 0,
If(HHV(H, 10)=Ref(H, -1), 1,
If(HHV(H, 10)=Ref(H, -2), 2,
If(HHV(H, 10)=Ref(H, -3), 3,
If(HHV(H, 10)=Ref(H, -4), 4,
If(HHV(H, 10)=Ref(H, -5), 5,
If(HHV(H, 10)=Ref(H, -6), 6,
If(HHV(H, 10)=Ref(H, -7), 7,
If(HHV(H, 10)=Ref(H, -8), 8,
If(HHV(H, 10)=Ref(H, -9), 9, 999)
Extremely tedious and I'm wondering myself if there is a better way to code it. Again not what you are looking for but it may help you understand your problem.
Can anyone else help?