Dear Jose,
I received your Message.
Sorry, but i can not understand it so well.
I will repeat you all the Job that make in better way.
My Fundamental, my beginning Exploration is to clear which Stocks trade it the Current Day.
My Number 1) Exploration had Filter:
{ Date-cutoff - excludes inactive codes whose
last active date was before 10/October/2005 }
day:=10; { 1~31 Day of month cutoff }
mth:=10; { 1~12 Month cutoff }
y:=2005; { Year cutoff }
{ ***************************************** }
{ Date cutoff }
OR (Year()=y AND (Month()>mth
OR Month()=mth AND DayOfMonth()>=day));
{ Exploration filter }
AND V>0 AND C > 3
Attention:Every Day i change the Day with the Current!
After that i save in File in Metastock the Stocks with a Name.
Now must stay and stay near my Computer Machine for to store the Result and to make the Second Exploration.
My Number 2) Exploration had Filter:
(Mov(V,5,S)-Mov(V,600,S))*100/Mov(V,600,S) < -50
Create File with the Results.
With that Results i make the Number 3) New Exploration using the Filter:
Cross(Mov(C,15,E), Mov(C,200,E)) AND V > 1000 AND C > 3 AND C < 12
Create File with the Results.
Number 1), Number 2) and Number 3) Explorations are working with them together as Number 1) Part.
With the Results of Number 1) Exploration from the File that i had create,
I make the New Exploration Number 4), with Filter:
(Mov(V,5,S)-Mov(V,600,S))*100/Mov(V,600,S) > 50
Create File with the Results.
With that Results i make the Number 5) New Exploration using the Filter:
Cross(Mov(C,200,E), Mov(C,15,E)) AND V > 1000 AND C > 50
Number 1), Number 4) and Number 5) Explorations are working with them together as Number 2) Part.
The Number 1) Part is different from the Number 2) Part.
Create File with the Results.
I think that you have in Mind to create the Filters again i mean to consolidate it, in less Explorations that i have now!
I think that it is possible to consolidate the Number 1) Part in one Exploration.
Also i think that it is possible to consolidate the Number 2) Part in one Exploration.
Jose i want to ask you also if you believe that if consolidate the Explorations together it is possible to see someone in the Total Results of the Consolidate Exploration Number 1) Part, the results of Number 1) Exploration, Number 2) Exploration, Number 3) Exploration separate?
George K.