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#1 Posted : 20 years ago

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When I perform a download in the downloader program a lot of information is downloaded (15 min worth), but when I open a stock afterwards it doesn't seem to contain up to date information. What am I doing wrong?
#2 Posted : 20 years ago

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1.Check your computer's date and time 2.Look at the download report, what do you see there? Go into the details and see what it does for most symbols ... Let me know ... Patrick
#3 Posted : 20 years ago

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hey g..... a couple thoughts here.... this might seem obvious, it wasn't for me, make sure the folder downloaded to is the same one your using to open the security with..... otherwise your downloaded data will not appear...... as example, i have 'ibm' in about 6 different folders, if i update/download my s&p 500 folder only, opening 'ibm' from any of the other 5 folders will not have the latest data..... also depending on your speed , 15 minutes might not be alot of data..... to download 6000 securites 'eod' takes maybe 20 minutes at dsl speeds, and a whole lot longer at 56k.... some questions that come to mind-----is this a problem that recently developed ,,, are you trying to update the meta historical cd,,,,, a new folder of your design,,,,?......h
#4 Posted : 20 years ago

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Patrick wrote:
1.Check your computer's date and time 2.Look at the download report, what do you see there? Go into the details and see what it does for most symbols ... Let me know ... Patrick
Thanks, Patrick. I'll let you know what happens.
#5 Posted : 20 years ago

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hayseed wrote:
hey g..... a couple thoughts here.... this might seem obvious, it wasn't for me, make sure the folder downloaded to is the same one your using to open the security with..... otherwise your downloaded data will not appear...... as example, i have 'ibm' in about 6 different folders, if i update/download my s&p 500 folder only, opening 'ibm' from any of the other 5 folders will not have the latest data..... also depending on your speed , 15 minutes might not be alot of data..... to download 6000 securites 'eod' takes maybe 20 minutes at dsl speeds, and a whole lot longer at 56k.... some questions that come to mind-----is this a problem that recently developed ,,, are you trying to update the meta historical cd,,,,, a new folder of your design,,,,?......h
Thanks to you, too Hayseed. I'm a beginner so I don't know exactly how to answer your thoughts, but updating the meta historical cd is a novel thought. I'm surprised Equis doesn't do this. G.......
#6 Posted : 20 years ago

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I have been using Metastock for only about 6 weeks and tested the data for the first time tonight. For some reason, about 15 - 20% of the 6600 stocks I'm working with have errors. I was able to fix all the 1010 & 1035 (only about 15 of the total errors) but the vast majority of these are #1090 with a few being #1101 but the latter does not have a record number or date to reference. I have tried to fix over 50 of these manually but nothing seems to work: - I right clicked on them and then clicked sort data but still get the error after running another test. - I've re-downloaded from Reuters several times but that changes nothing. - I've printed all the lists and went to Tools/Delete/Data, changed the date to 1 - 2 days before the error date (when it shows it), made sure that "after date" was checked, deleted the data, and then downloaded once again but that also gives me the same error which makes me think that the problem may be with Reuters but it's hard for me to believe that they would get this many wrong? It's a bit disappointing to discover that I have been working with bad data on a lot of securities these last 6 weeks. Does anyone know what I'm doing wrong? I'm using Version 8.0 Pro but only as EOD for now with Reuters for the EOD data. Thanks for any help. Steve
#7 Posted : 20 years ago

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hey steve.... bet patrick will have the best answer here..... until then , what is a 1090 error message, how much error are we talking about and can you give me a couple specific tickers that have uncorrectable errors..... my setup here is different, as you know, but esignal gives errors at times.... those errors are so extreme it makes the charts unusable..... going thru the steps you mentioned always corrects them...... i did have to go thru every folder and delete those symbols that no longer were valid, which was a considerable number..... if ya have the time post some tickers and i'll check them against esignal......h
#8 Posted : 20 years ago

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Hey Hayseed, Thanks for the reply...it was your helpful messages in "Metastock Tips & Tricks" that gave me step 3 of the process I have been trying to use to fix this. From the Downloader help files: Error #1090. "Times out of order" One or more times in the security's DAT file are not in chronological order. Use the Sort feature to correct the problem. But, as I mentioned, the sort feature does nothing. I have 245 stocks with error 1090. Probably half of these have the error 1 time but many others have it at least twice and AIRT has it 11 different times by itself. I have 52 with error 1101 which is: "Open outside of High-Low range" The open price for the specified record is either greater than the high price or less than the low price. And I have 4 with both the 1090 and 1101 errrors. Some with the 1090 error are: AIRT, AGYS, CECO, DAL, DHB, DITC, JNPR, MACR, QLGC, XMSR. Some with the 1101 error are: BSTW, FFED, LNR, NVLD, REBC, REAL, STCR. Thanks in advance for your efforts!! Steve B
#9 Posted : 20 years ago

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hey steve..... ran some tests on esignal with results similiar to yours.... studied on that abit.... then made some new folders from scratch 'nas 100', 's&p 500' and such.... downloaded complete new data from esignal into them, tested that, it had almost same results as my orignal folders..... studied on that abit..... after checking into those messages, it appears often their more like warnings, not necessarily errors.... most gap up/downs gave the 1090 message, 'jnpr', 'qlgc', 'biib', .... if you think about it meta is just saying, ' hey, double check this it looks funny'.....i used several other sites with java style charts to triple check........ the ones that you did clear by deleting and redownloading were probably true errors.... anything still showing a message with a recent date should be looked into.... some of those others you listed had errors pre 2000 only..... also, when i tested an entire folder at 1 time, many securitys would come back with only 1101, but no date..... if i tested the securitys 1 at a time , both 1101, no date, and several 1090's, with dates, would print...... so testing large groups might be a negative....... h
#10 Posted : 20 years ago

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Hayseed, Thanks for all the thorough testing! My data goes back to only 3/10/2003 so all the errors I'm getting are from that time forward but I see what you are talking about as far as the possibility that they might be warnings versus errors. I'll focus on the ones with the most recent dates and delete the data and then download again. I wish there was a way to get rid of the error message once you have verified that the data is ok (if it is indeed ok) so that it won't come up every time I run a test in the future. Guess I'll just keep checking the dates on the errors and just work with recent ones after this. Thanks again for the help and information!! Steve
#11 Posted : 20 years ago

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Hayseed, I've finally got this figured out. The explanations for the error codes I included earlier are from the Downloader help files but they are apparently wrong. I went to Tools/Test and then brought up one of my folders. If you click on Options, every error code is listed there with the explanation for it. I'm not sure why the help files differ from the explanations in Options but the ones listed in Options are the ones used when I run a test. In any case...turns out 1101 is telling me that the security has not traded for at least the last 31 days. It appears that a lot of these were companies that got bought out so I just deleted them. 1090 is only telling me that there was a large change in the close on that date. They will appear on every test I do but now I know to just double check any that have occured since my last test to make sure that there actually was a big change that day. This is good that these big changes get pointed out so that I can verify them. BTW...errors 1010 & 1035 were telling me that there was problems with the Company names. These were all due to the period I included in Inc after the company name for the IBD100 list I created. Changing Inc. to Inc took care of this. Soooo...it appears I do not have a lot of bad data after all and everything seems OK. Thanks so much for your help with this. Steve
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