Hi Guys.
First off, I would like to thank you both for answering my question.
My objective was to find stocks to place in a separate watchlist that where showing the signs of crossing moving averages. I use moving averages on my default template and have had some great success over the last five years combining that with other important technical info. I mainly trade medium to long term strategies. Which really means I have a handful of stocks and I trade there cycles, I don't use margins so I'm always long at this present time in my trading career. Something that may change soon.
I found the source of this code here.
Yes wabbit, before I logged off I downloaded this fantastic doc. Spent an enjoyable Sunday getting through the first few chapters and writing some code..... Great stuff, I'm a little hooked now.
I came up with a bit code that was sort of what I was looking for, as it corresponded to my default setting.
A: (If(C>Mov(C,5,S) AND (C>Mov(C,13,S)),1,0))
I then discovered by placing
Filter: If(V>1000000,1,0)
I didn't get the stocks that didn't have liquidity.
I also discovered that I could ask for a stock that was in "oversold" territory by adding
(If(C>Mov(C,5,S) AND (C>Mov(C,13,S) AND (C<RSI(2)<50)),1,0))
I know this is all rudimentary and I probably haven't come up with the right answer yet BUT I'm really starting to understand what the code is doing.
MS Support: you have touched on a question I was scratching my head on... Timing. I'm sure by the time I get to the end of the MS User Manual, I should find the answer.
Anyway thanks guys for helping a newbie out, I'm very happy I got to this forum and I am really enjoying the education. I will succeed.
MS, I will be trying your code as soon as I log out of here.
Thanks Guys
LAST question ! You can see I have used low numbers in my code 5 & 13, I know it brings on a bit of noise (ranging prices) but I am looking for the potential start of the cross over. You will of coarse realize they are fib numbers. Can that be wrong? If so why not use Fib period numbers, e.g 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233. Why are other numbers used?