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I get this error in the results report when I try this formulaFilter: (C >=((85/100)*HHV(H,260)))
AND ((ROC(C,20,%)- ROC(Security("C: rading Data\Stocks\US\Indices\NASDAQ\$COMP",C),20,%))>0)
AND ((ROC(C,130,%)- ROC(Security("C: rading Data\Stocks\US\Indices\NASDAQ\$COMP",C),130,%))>0)
AND ((ROC(C,260,%)- ROC(Security"C: rading Data\Stocks\US\Indices\NASDAQ\$COMP",C),260,%))>0)
AND (Mov((V*C),20,S)>2000000)
Column: {ColA} CLOSE
{ColB} Volume
{ColC} HHV(H,260)
{ColD} 100-((100/HHV(H,260))*C)
{ColE} ROC(C,20,%)
{ColF} ROC(C,130,%)
{ColG} ROC(C,260,%)
{ColH} C/Mov(C,130,E)
{ColI} ADX(14)
{ColJ} RSI(C,14)
{ColK} MACD()
{ColL} Stoch(5,3) in the explorer function for tested stocks. What do I do wrong?
I have two problems i.e. Error in column C: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. and Error in filter: Period value out of valid range in ROC() function.
Please help me solve the issues:
Security Name Reason for Rejection Location American Airlines Group Common Error in column C: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C: rading Data\Stocks\US\NASDAQ
Atlantic America Cp Common Error in filter: Period value out of valid range in ROC() function. C: rading Data\Stocks\US\NASDAQ
Applied Optoelectronics Common Error in column C: Invalid time period (zero or negative) passed to HHV() function. C: rading Data\Stocks\US\NASDAQ
Aaon Inc Common Error in filter: Period value out of valid range in ROC() function. C: rading Data\Stocks\US\NASDAQ
Apple Inc Common Error in filter: Period value out of valid range in ROC() function. C: rading Data\Stocks\US\NASDAQ
Atlas Air Worldwide Holdings Common Error in filter: Period value out of valid range in ROC() function. C: rading Data\Stocks\US\NASDAQ
p.s. I have the Explorer set to use 3,000 records.