{I try to do the NH NL from Dr. Elder. While starring at his charts.. I thought this might be a similar result}
{I have no clue is someone else tried this before, if yes.. send me the link, or I am the first one.. ha ha no virgin anymore!}
disL:= L - Mov(C, 50, E);
disH:= H - Mov(C, 50, E);
mulATR:= 1.50;
{I just try this for the value, if the distance is huge, the ATR(1) may not have much influence, so just multiple x-times the ATR and "added" it for the distance. But in the negative i subtract it, i want the minus distance and "mulATR times" atr as well into the negative distance}
disLandATR:= disL - ATR(1) * mulATR;
{same here, just add the ATR * mulATR with the distance from MA and High}
disHandATR:= disH + ATR(1) * mulATR;
{Conditions of the Idea : if the price is below its 50 MOV, then it should calculate the NEGATIV distance to the low point}
{Idea is that we are in a BEAR market, we are looking for DIVERGENCES, so this is why i have chosen this conditions to be true}
{If price is above 50, MA then it should calculate the distance between the MA and the HIGH PRICE, so if there is the ATR reducing}
{or getting smaller, and also the price is getting closer to his MA, always before it will crash down below it, it should be seen here}
{Calculation / Code + smoothed with a 3 MOV "W" average (i like it)}
Mov(If(C < Mov(C, 50, E), disLandATR, If(C > Mov(C, 50, E), disHandATR,0)), 3, W);
Look at the chart results.... : D
I also used the mulATR with 4.80 just for FUN, and in the DAX (German Index) it is
during the BEAR (and later climbing phase) at 2009 very good. Daily and Weekly.
So no clue .... ^L^